Everyone knows the song “Baby Come Back” and now it’s time to get to know the band PLAYER. With their new CD, “Too Many Reasons” upcoming release worldwide, I think you will really get to know the band and come to love them as much as I do. They really are an awesome group of musicians and to see them live is something special because they sound just like their CD. This new PLAYER CD has great rock n roll singles, as well as ballads and I’m sure you will agree that every song is one you will want to listen to over and over again.
So as a celebration of PLAYER the band we are giving away an autographed CD to one of our blog subscribers. Just write in a short paragraph on what you love most about PLAYER, a song that touched you, a special moment in time or a concert you’ve seen? Send your paragraphs to [email protected] and be sure and subscribe to this blog. Only blog subscribers will be eligible to win. The CD will be released on Feb 26, 2012 and we will post the winner and their paragraph here on our blog.

I will keep you posted on the launch of the PLAYER ANGELS website in which you girls may join us around the world as a PLAYER ANGEL by sending in your photo and brief summary of where you are from and who you are. Our PLAYER ANGELS will have a chance to win a PLAYER tank top and join our exclusive club to meet the band when they start touring. So spread the word and join the club!

Wow I love it.
Ja dat zeker Joke Devos
I don’t dare write a paragraph. It will turn into a website. Good luck to everyone!
I love this song. Love Ronn
I just love these kind of songs.
Is this CD already out the date says February 2012 cause I gotta have it love the band and them men are. Well lets say out of this world
Say the word and I will be the 1st to get Player’s new CD
Hi DevRonn
just opening up your email about cd Cant wait
Thanks for the heads-up
Wow. It was my first date after my divorce. We went to the drive-in, and it was one of those nights when everything went wrong, because I was trying to hard to. Well, I found out that she was really attracted to me, so after I relaxed we just joked about everything. And then “Baby Come Back” came on the radio through their speaker system – first time I’d heard it – and she starts kidding about me wanting to go back to my ex. Quite a night!
Hi Devin & Ronn
Trying to find the instructions about contest. What site is that on.
2 B cont’d I have a lot 2 say about Impero Couture
My friends in Italia sent me the promo video
The contest is for subscribing to this blog and writing a paragraph on what you love about PLAYER. You may also join the Player Angels at http://www.playerangels.com to keep informed and enter more contests to win more prizes there.
Hi Devin just saw an incomplete pic and some upsetting into on Google circles..about “pulling the plug’ on Player. Whats Going On??
That was a link to an article online about how Eric Clapton’s roadies pulled the plug on Player during a concert back in the 70s because they were a little too good.
Forget about winning a cd..I just want to win a date with Ronn…and his fans worldwide would agree with me.
Love or Hate my idea..Let me know
Love to hear from you guys
My great dream is a cd from the Player
I love Player’s style of music; and, I especially like the lyrics and vocals. Their music is really like a “breath of fresh air”. It keeps you listening to every word of every song to find the message that each song represents. We will be downloading the new CD as soon as it is available.
I would love to have the cd….baby come back to me