What would you do if you got an email like this?
Dear Devin. My name is Samantha Leon and I represent Superman actor Henry Cavill.
Henry has asked me to contact you regarding a role in an upcoming movie project he will be starring in and also directing and producing for Netflix.
Henry is overseas filming right now, but has said, if you can get back to us ASAP with a contact number, he will be happy to call you back personally.
Regards Samantha Leon for Henry Cavill
Sent from William Morris Endeavor Talent

Turns out, Superman or who I believed was British actor Henry Cavill himself calls to speak with me personally on this potential project. I put him on speaker phone so Ronn could hear the conversation. Henry began to speak of my role in the cult classic film “Society” and how much he liked it. I asked more about this role and he tells me its the role of his mother in a upcoming thriller that he will be directing and proceeds to drop names in the industry of various people he thinks I know and that we have in common. His call was from a UK number and he tells me how he’s been filming all night when I ask about the time difference.

I look over at Ronn who seems a bit perplexed and slightly jealous that Superman seems to be fawning over me working with him in places like Vancouver, London and Spain where he tells me this movie will film for over three months in 2025. Henry then proceeds to tell me other films of his to watch because of how he looks in them because I expressed how much I liked his role in the series, “The Tudors.” The conversation lasts over an hour and there were lots of laughing and glances over to Ronn as he seemed even more jealous of Superman’s constant reference to his looks and his body, especially when he offers to train me personally for this role! I see looks of disgust on my husband’s face that I’ve never seen in 20 years!

Henry asks me if he can call and speak more the next day and we set a time and finally hang up. Ronn and I begin to talk about this odd conversation that indeed seemed a bit too good to be true and I began to research more on Superman Henry because I really didn’t know much about him or follow his career other that enjoying the series, “The Tudors.” We looked at videos online of his speech pattern and thought something was a bit off in comparison to the Henry I was chatting with for over an hour. I looked on IMDB and saw that Samantha Leon was indeed his agent at William Morris Endeavor and decided to call Samantha on the phone to confirm if this was indeed Henry I was talking to the night before. I was told that the agency was getting many spams regarding Henry Cavill and to disregard this and Ronn found articles online relating to scams pertaining to major celebrities. These scammers pose as celebrities to befriend you only to then ask you to contribute to their charities.
Ronn and I got a good laugh from this one because he was indeed a tad jealous and I told him that these guys had to cook up this scam to target me and that they had to have somebody like Superman to go after Ronn Moss’ wife, so he should be flattered, which made him laugh. I proceeded to block Superman’s email and phone number and life returns back to normal, but if Superman calls you, it’s best to not take it seriously and to be cautious! I have to now be aware of anyone like Angelina Jolie wanting to talk to Ronn about a potential project.
Meanwhile, we continue to live our lives in gratitude for having followed our intuitive feelings for things in life that may seem a bit too good to be true. Don’t fall for these kinds of hoaxes pertaining to celebrities trying to personally befriend you or even work with you. Stay cautious in our world today and listen to your own intuition.

Oh gosh. I’m sorry some were trying to scam you…sadly, it seems all too rampant these days. I’m glad you were able to figure it out quickly. I adore your intuition, its helped me many times. Hugs to you
Thanks Pammy, my intuition is truly my best friend. Perhaps this happened to me so that I could alert others now? Seems that way.