Since we returned from PLAYER performing in Vero Beach it’s been non-stop for Ronn on B&B and me so I haven’t had time to blog until now. We had so much fun and want to thank our dear friend Robin Krasny for taking such good care of us with healthy food, wine and video taping the band. Ronn will be editing that footage soon to post something for you guys to see. I also want to thank my amazing friend Laura Poe for the wonderful pics she took onstage. It was nice to see some of my dearest friends like JoNell Gay and her daughter Isabelle who was born on my birthday. It had been years since I’d seen them, so it was very special for me.

The show was fantastic and we hope to have many more PLAYER concerts coming up! Our anniversary was certainly a memorable one. Thanks to Robin we stayed at the beautiful Vero Beach Hotel and Spa overlooking the beach.

We hung out with Peter Beckett and Eden Ayers and had a fun time until I slipped and fell and hit my chin in the pool, ouch! I was bruised and sore for a few days and jaw hurt badly. Luckily I’m feeling better now, but I couldn’t chew on one side of my mouth for a few days. The other day Ronn and I attended a fundraiser for the Humane Society. An invite from our friends Bob and Kira Lorsch. Many thanks to Ms. Lois Pope who gave 1 million dollars to such a worthy cause.

Remember I did a bunny PSA for them. I was happy to hear that many bunnies have gotten adopted since. Yesterday I did my first personal appearance in 5 years and saw some wonderful Playmates there, such as Cathy St. George, Corinna Harney, Ava Fabian and Teri Harrison. It was so nice to see many of you again after so many years and I do hope to do more in future if my schedule permits. Ronn was so sweet to help me set up my booth and lug all my merchandise, as well as, take photos with me and some of you guys. I’m now resting today and catching up on various writing projects. Looking forward to fall and cooler weather so that I can cook some of my soup recipes! check out this PLAYER video. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/user/devronnfilms?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/uLx0Ub9FfAI]
Hi you two, It goes without saying, I know what I missed. Speedy recovery for your bobo on the chin, Devin. That must have hurt. If it happened to me I probably would need stitches in my tongue. Great pictures of the two of you and all your friends, too.
Good to know more concerts are being planned. I do love your talented band, Ronn.
It has got to be a blessing to know people that help with such worthy causes like the Humane Society in such a huge way. All of my pets were pound pets, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I can barely stand it when I see the need. Bless you for your charitable hearts.
Looking forward to the soups and the cold weather.
Love you, Lilian
Ouch!! Made my chin hurt just thinking about it…glad u are ok. Love all the pics!! It’s already cold here on the east coast…been really chilly and windy since Thursday and the fall colors are becoming awesome!! Take care and looking forward to some good soup recipes…u don’t have a good one for taco soup do ya?
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