
Ronn Moss


Where has the time gone? This year is just flying by and it’s already summer! As usual our summers are busy with entertaining friends, attending parties, charity events and kids. But it looks like we will be working this summer as well. As you know we finished an ABC prime time show that we can’t discuss right now but it will air this summer most likely in July. I will of course keep you posted on the dates and more details once I’m given the word. But I know you will absolutely love it!


Ronn and I both were so busy this past week we had no time to hardly tweet and we worked Memorial day. So the past couple days have been spent trying to catch up on business as usual and sleep. I’m currently working on a charity fundraiser for Autism that will be held at our home in June and Ronn will start rehearsals for Player’s upcoming Australian/New Zealand tour later this year. I know you have been asking when tickets will go on sale and they will soon! Seems more dates keep getting added and the promoter want to release the entire schedule before you can purchase tickets.


Player is also joining The Yacht Rock Revue boys in Atlanta on July 19th for their festival and then we will take off to Naples, Italy where Ronn will play a Baron in a mini series that takes place in World War 1. I think you guys know how much Ronn loves his scarves so perhaps he will get to wear some in this mini series, since it’s a period piece.

Ronn & Peter Beckett
Ronn & Peter Beckett

I will continue to do more speaking engagements and work on the follow up book to “True Age, Timeless Beauty.” And we have an exciting contest to announce later this summer in connection with “The Bay” series. Ronn will also continue playing John Blackwell in “The Bay” and we are now on board as producers of that series.  I’m hoping to extend our time in Italy to include a much needed vacation if possible. Seems Ronn is getting bombarded with so many projects it’s getting hard to fit in a vacation. I will of course blog and keep you posted on all of it as it’s happening!

It seems lately that Ronn and I have been bombarded with all kinds of symbolic things that have been leading us on our life’s path. I believe it’s because we are wholeheartedly following our greatest passions and becoming super creative with many things. Ronn has various projects in the works and we are now producers on the hot new webseries, The Bay and couldn’t be more pleased to collaborate with such talented people. So yes you will be seeing alot more of that mysterious, John Blackwell!


I’ve been led to the Cure Center for weight loss and am now doing speaking engagements with Dr. Donald Waldrep and his gorgeous wife Lisa. It seems my book, True Age, Timeless Beauty has taken it’s own life’s path and touched a few people and I couldn’t be more pleased. My first few speaking engagements at the Cure Center was a big hit and I have already helped a few women firsthand. “True Age, Timeless Beauty” is all about keeping your life in balance and how to manifest your greatest dreams and desires.

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So at the moment we are following our life’s path and will make a unique appearance on a hit ABC primetime show next week. We can’t tell you details just yet, but it will be very funny, heartwarming and give you more insight on us. Ronn is also gearing up to do a mini series in the fall and Player is starting to rehearse for their upcoming tour to Australia and New Zealand at the end of the year.


As you can see, it’s been busy and getting busier, but we couldn’t be happier to embrace this new and exciting journey doing the things we are feeling most passionate about. I hope to add more Livestream chats and events soon, as well as, Ebay items. In the meantime, please check out last week’s episode of The Bay and see why everyone is talking about John Blackwell when the new episode airs this Thursday!!

By now everyone knows that Ronn will be appearing on General Hospital. We thought his debut would be Friday, but didn’t realize the Nurse’s Ball, which is General Hospital’s biggest show extends into next week. So Ronn will debut on Monday May 12th and it’s something I hope you don’t miss because it truly is special.

As a soap fan myself, I thought the concept and the storyline of this particular part of the Nurse’s Ball was very heartfelt, not to mention entertaining. I know many of you are speculating on what exactly Ronn is doing? Many are wondering what character he’s playing or if he’s singing and I for one am amazed at all the response. It seems alot of B&B fans have missed simply seeing Ronn and many GH fans are tired of new characters and want to see more of their favorites, which is understandable.

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Y&R use to be my favorite soap and it’s become kinda of boring and B&B has become unwatchable in my opinion. So I have been watching GH and I love it! GH has more action, drama, suspense, surprises, romance and shocking storylines that the others don’t, which is way more entertaining. I think Internet content is taking over what daytime once was to many viewers such, as myself. A series like “The Bay” seems like a nighttime or primetime soap.

Many shows today that are on primetime such as, “Breaking Bad” and “Game of Thrones” are simply high production primetime soaps. A soap is a serial drama and daytime dramas need to change things around to keep their shrinking audience. No longer is television dominating the field, many Internet series are proving that in spades. “One Life To Live” obviously has new life on web because it’s nominated along with daytime television in this year’s Daytime Emmys.

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So I think General Hospital‘s marketing campaign was ingenious and they made Ronn an offer he couldn’t refuse, because it was a win/win. Fans around the world that don’t get GH will get to see this on the web after we do next week and the impact I believe could be massive. GH has already tied Y&R in ratings of women 18-49 and they have been number one in that spot for years. So I think GH could knock them down a peg after this airs.

Competition is tough today with so much interesting original content that is currently being self produced. No longer can television dominate, however they can and will start developing content currently on the web for their time slots because it just makes sense. We can produce our own shows like “Ronn’s Garage.” And I know how much you guys would love that to be on television! Just think maybe then you would get a new episode on a more regular basis instead of when Ronn has time for it.


Right now, Ronn is becoming very much in demand all over the world for various reasons. He wasn’t free enough before with B&B to have the time for a Player tour that is now happening. He was under a contract on a role that was taking over his entire life and he wasn’t feeling appreciated for what he was giving to that. Now he’s free to play, create and explore all those countries around the globe that are anxious to welcome him.

He’s also free to show you who he really is as Ronn and to show the world his talent and passions. I really have to laugh at some of the haters that constantly try to put him down. I’ve seen Ronn, Ridge and John Blackwell recently and they are all completely different characters that he breaths amazing energy into.  I’ve seen Ronn in concert and I know things that are brewing that you don’t. So like the new “Too Many Reasons” Player  song, “The Words You Say” I would almost bet some of those words will surely be eaten away very quickly as more creativity is reveal by Ronn.

Too Many Reasons

We all need to feel a sense of appreciation for our work in life. It’s way more important to follow your true passion in life than it is to work for money. The money will surely follow if true passion for what you are doing is present. That is what Ronn is doing now and I think it’s showing up all over the place. So GH was thrilled to have Ronn and it was a super fun and positive experience for him. And I do believe it will be for you too, even the haters.


We have been extremely busy fielding through various projects, some pertaining to Ronn and I together and some pertaining to Player. There have been some that are in development and some that are getting ready to start. All involving a variety of things that include, music, movies, television, endorsements and charity.

Spending time with friends and family has dominated our past week because we know we will start traveling soon and nothing make us both happier than to be home entertaining friends and creating new things that we are passionate about. We hope you enjoy Ronn’s visit to General Hospital next week and continue on this amazing adventure with us. Here’s to wishing all the mamas out there a wonderful Mother’s Day!  We are celebrating our five year wedding anniversary with some quality alone time as we prepare for the excitement of  what’s coming next!


I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since my big 5-0. Last year at this time, as we were planning my event, Kira Lorsch was beginning the brainstorming of the 2014 Thalians event. Kira and I were hanging out have a much needed girls spa when she said, “Devin if you were to pick someone to honor as “Mr. Wonderful”, what icon of music or entertainment industry would you pick, that people of all ages like, now and respect?” I immediately replied, “Smokey Robinson would be great! Everyone loves Smokey.”

Dev & Kira

The seed was planted. And here we are a few weeks away from the big Thalians Smokey Robinson Tribute Concert benefiting UCLA Operation Mend at the House of Blues Sunset Strip on Saturday April 26th.  You won’t want to miss the Smokey Robinson Tribute. I mean there are music legends and then there’s Smokey Robinson! His name is synonymous with Motown. “Shop Around,” “I Second that Emotion,” “You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me,” “My Girl,” and “Tracks of My Tears” are just a few of his amazing hits!

Kira LorschPlayer

On Saturday April 26th, Smokey will be honored by the longtime mental health charity, The Thalians who have been around  forever. Debbie Reynolds founded it and this will be a star studded event! A stage full of musical artists will perform Smokey songs for Smokey himself! PLAYER will perform “Tracks of My Tears,” along with other performers that include, Guy Sebastian, Taylor Dane, Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Natasha & Cheech Marin, Florence LaRue of The 5th Dimension, Joy Enriquez and Bobby Arvon with musical director Todd Schroeder and the Thalians Orchestra plus some surprise guests! (Sorry but I”m sworn to secrecy.)


As you can imagine, tickets going fast! The Smokey Tribute raises funds to help America’s wounded warriors served by UCLA Operation Mend. You’ll mingle with celebrity guests from the red carpet through the show, bid on super cool silent & live auctions with “World’s Fastest Talker, John Moschitta.” You will enjoy  gourmet buffets, scrumptious specialty food & dessert stations and full open bars. All you can eat and drink baby!!

Your tax deductible contribution will benefit the mental health and wellness programs of UCLA Operation Mend, helping heal America’s severely injured military men and women-mind, body and spirit.

To Open your Digital Invitation

Watch a video about UCLA Operation Mend with The Thalians Ruta Lee HERE

Purchase your tickets & tables now by calling The Thalians at 818-994-4661

Individual tickets are also available at Ticketmaster

For additional information regarding sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please email [email protected]

If you ever wanted to party like a rock star for a great cause here’s your chance! We hope to see you there!!!!

I can’t believe spring is here already, seems this year is flying by so fast! I love spring, seeing all the flowers bloom and preparing for the warmth that summer will bring. It makes me want to entertain and so we are having our first party of spring this Sunday to kick off the new season of “Game of Thrones.” Peter Beckett got us hooked on that series and I promised I’d kick it off with a nice shindig of a party.

So I’m cooking some Cajun grub and having a few friends over who are also die hard “Game of Throne” fanatics to drink some ale and see who gets the ax in the first episode. We are also springing forward with so many new and exciting projects. Seems many countries are missing seeing Ronn on their TV sets since he’s no longer Ridge Forrester and we are formulating new and interesting things on a daily basis with many different countries.


Player is excited to do a tour in Australia this November and 13 shows are now locked down with more being added that could take us into New Zealand for December. There will also be new Player merchandise available especially for this “Too Many Reasons” tour and I couldn’t be more excited, so Player Angels get ready to rock!  I visited Melbourne back in 2005 when Ronn did the berry juice commercial, so this will be a such a treat for me to explore OZ and really spend some quality time there. The new “Man On Fire” music video with previews from the upcoming 411movie will be released soon so you can get more excited about the upcoming tour!

There is also a movie in the works with Italy’s best comedy writers who is tailoring a script especially for Ronn. I can’t tell you details on that yet, but it’s going to be quite comical and I will also be in it. We have a TV show in the works for Finland and South Africa and there is a possibility of a campaign in the Netherlands. However it’s all being formulated so I can’t give you dates of when we will be in those places just yet.


Player is also making an appearance on a popular TV show next week and I can’t tell you what show just yet, but I know you will be excited and will give you details as soon as I’m allowed. They are also looking forward to singing, “Tracks of My Tears” to honor the one and only Smokey Robinson at the House of Blues April 26. This will be a killer show that will include, Taylor Dane and Chaka Khan among others that will make this an exciting televised event to benefit the “Thalians.

My Husband's A Dog, My Wife's A Bitch

Ronn is joining the cast of the Emmy nominated webseries, “The Bay” next week when they introduce a new character to the drama. We are also putting the finishing touches on our audio book, “My Husband’s A Dog, My Wife’s A Bitch” and I’m so pleased you are laughing and enjoying the printed version and Ebook. We are planning to release a book of Ronn’s photography in the future and I’ve been encouraging him to continue writing his autobiography. Ronn has led an amazing life growing up in Hollywood and has some incredible stories to tell from his life so this is a must. But as you know, he’s rather slow and moves at his own pace, so that won’t be for a while. In the meantime, as we spring forward into these upcoming exciting projects taking us on a new adventure, that maybe we will be visiting you real soon!

By now you know that I won the Gumbo battle with Henri Alen and Nicolas Thieulon on their Finnish cooking show, “American Food Battle.” We blindfolded Ronn who was the judge and picked out my Gumbo instantly.  I taught these Finnish boys a thing or two they didn’t know about making a roux the non-traditional way that they left America very confused.

Devin's Kickass Cajun Seasoning my secret weapon

It’s funny because Henri Alen owns the best French restaurant in Finland, “Muru” and was so impressed that he now wants to do a cooking show with me and Ronn, where we would cook with celebrities in Los Angeles and Finland. I think it’s just an excuse to figure out all of my secrets in the kitchen and to have Player perform “Man On Fire” which is his theme song in the kitchen there. Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning was my secret weapon and the Finns now want to carry it in some of their restaurants.
American Food Battle

Devin, Nicolas & Henri

America Food Battle is seen in 50 countries, but not in America so I can only give you a clip and some photos, but we are hoping to have our new cooking show seen here in America. Henri Alen is an amazing Chef and I’d be proud to work with him anywhere. Nicolas is French and knows so much about wines that hanging out with him could only spell fun!

Henri, Ronn & Nicolas

I love Finland and cooking is so natural for me that who am I to say no to this proposal? Seems like having my own cooking show is my destiny and I now have South Africa wanting me to guest spot on their top rated cooking show as there is a mini Player tour among other things in the works for South Africa and Australia.

Ronn picking the winner

It’s safe to say we won’t be home much and lots of traveling is in our future, so renewing our passports now is a must for us. I have some other exciting things to share with you guys next month that I know you will flip over, but in the meantime, know that we are coming to the following countries, Australia, Finland, South Africa, The Netherlands, Sweden and Italy this year! Oh and talk about the luck of the Irish, happy St. Patty’s Day!


Last night we had the honor of participating in a wonderful charity called, “Songs of Love.” It was their first west coast gala and “Songs of Love” is a special cause because they create tailor made songs for children with terminally ill diseases. Everyone one there was touched by the effort that is put into each song created for a child and we all got to participate in recording one ourselves for a child named, Logan.

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Amazing musical performances by Frank Stallone, JC Love & Player, Amanda Steinberg, Blu Cantrall and Alana and Those Fine Gentlemen made the evening extra special. Player now wants to donate “No More Rain” as the theme song to this charity and shoot a music video with many of these special children in it.

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My pals, Brad & Tina Hillstrom, Keiko Noah and Peggy & Micah Tanous were there to lend their love and support. We all had a wonderful time and intend to do more to help creator John Beltzer continue his lovely mission. “Songs of Love” have now written over 24,000 songs for terminally ill children and these songs are given to the child as a double dose of medicine. They were featured on 60 Minutes and formed in New York almost 18 years ago by John Beltzer.

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Writer, producer, director, Nick Vallelonga was the master of ceremonies and put this first west coast gala together and we thank him for his wonderful efforts and including us in such a worthy cause. Although we have participated in several worthwhile charities, we think “Songs of Love” is a perfect fit for Player and look forward to helping to write more songs for these children.


It was only Ronn’s second cruise, my third and the Norwegian Freestyle cruise was terrific with mostly smooth sailing and smooth rock n roll the whole way. We did get some choppy waves the first day and it put a damper, pardon the pun, on our beach concert, which was moved back to the boat. That was a bummer because we all were looking forward to partying all day with Player, Robbie Dupree and the Yacht Rock Revue boys on the Stirrup Cay Island.



Player Angels, Eden, Sue, Robin, Joanie, Michelle and Playmate Jacqueline Sheen were there with their captain’s hats to rock it out and the cruise was filled with fans from all over the world including, Barbados and Croatia. It was funny to see people recognizing Ronn constantly and unsure if it was indeed him. Fans told us constantly how much they missed him and how they have stopped watching the show now. We heard this even from our flight attendant on the way back home.


The Yacht Rock Revue boys threw a cool party to celebrate Ronn’s birthday at the Asian restaurant where the chef’s put on quite a show tossing their knives around on Saturday, and then we all headed over to  the Bliss Lounge, where everyone had on headphones and was rocking out to different music, but all you saw were people dancing in silence. We thought the cake was funny cuz it said, “Happy Birthday Ridge” on it.



Player and the Player Angels announced the winner of the Player contest and a big congrats went out to Liz Ryan from Texas who won a beautiful baby blue electric guitar signed by Peter and Ronn, along with a Player necklace, T-shirt, CD and photo. We spent our days drinking Bahama Mamas and rockin out to American Idol winner, Kris Allen, Shadow Box and our boys until the wee hours of the morning everyday.


By the time we reached the Bahamas all Ronn wanted to do was sleep late, so we never got off the boat because he didn’t want to do anything except relax. I did manage to have a mini afternoon at the spa and got in a massage and facial and it was so nice to hang with our friends from Indiana, Doug and Kathleen Gilmore. We enjoyed Cagney’s Steakhouse with great bottles of wine together there.


All in all the cruise experience was perfect because it wasn’t too long and the food was great overall. Kid Rock was the next one up on that cruise ship and Sixthman who puts on these rock cruises are interested in having Player join in on some future European cruising. So it’s safe to say this won’t be our last cruise and much more fun to come for all.


Slumber party

I had a slumber party with several other Playmates from the 1980s celebrating the 50th birthday of Playmate Alana Soares thrown by her sister Leilani Soares.   We had such a great time laughing and telling past stories with Playmates, Ava Fabian, Cathy St. George, Kimberly Paige, Roberta Vasquez, Lynn Austin and Debi Johnson. Some of these girls I hadn’t seen in decades and few of them flew in from other states just to surprise Alana.

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There is a sorority like sister bond that goes with girls who have posed for Playboy, at least from our era and it felt like we had gone back in time except for talking about men and parties, we now talk about kids and health. We giggled so much that I had to take a nap before heading to the Beverly Hills Hotel’s Polo Lounge to meet famed photographer Terry O’Neill and artist Michael Moebius for dinner.

Me. Terry O'Neil & Keiko

Terry O’Neill was the first photographer to photograph Sir Elton John, The Beatles and the Rolling Stones, so Ronn was very excited to meet him and we are attending an exhibition of his work this week at the Mouche Gallery in Beverly Hills. Terry was also married to actress Faye Dunaway and now lives in London, so the history alone is exciting to Ronn because as you know he loves photography, music and Ronn’s father was from England.

We are catching up on so many projects before we leave for the Player and Yacht Rock Revue rock cruise to the Bahamas this week. And I will not be taking my computer or be online so you guys will just have to miss us for a few days. When we return I am finalizing a documentary I am producing on the pinup from a pinup’s point of view and Player will perform at a wonderful charity called “Songs Of Love.”   



Songs of Love is special because musicians write individual songs for children with terminally ill diseases. Watch the 60 minutes video above for more information or click on the invite if you’d like to attend or donate to this wonderful cause.  Check out the newly redesigned makeover of my personal website where you can find this blog and everything else on me all in one place. Special thanks to our web designer Gea who is now working on a redesign of Ronn’s site as well. 

Songs of Love Invite

I know many of you thought the Broncos would win the Superbowl and many were disappointed. I had no preference and really love superbowl parties to socialize. So I was really happy for the Seahawks because my buddy and Playmate sister Barbara Moore is from Seattle and explained they had never won a superbowl.

DevRonn with Barbara Moore

I’m always one to root for the underdog and so my congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks for taking home the trophy. Speaking of trophies. My other beautiful girlfriend Sandra Taylor was the official trophy girl that evening and so a congrats to her for having that honor.

Sandra Taylor

We spent Superbowl at the Playboy mansion because it’s always fun. Hef had all my favorite foods, sliders, hot wings, chili and even gumbo! Everyone can participate in the superbowl pool to win the big pot of money and there are always so many friends and Playmates to catch up with. I was happy to see my old friend Steve Bing there along with Nels and Jimmy Van Patten. We named them the mansion puppies because they were so young when they started going up there over 30 years ago and were some of the first guys I met up there when I became a Playmate. Turns out Steve has a new restaurant called, “Crossroads” that’s Vegan and his chef Tal wants me to be a guest chef at the restaurant for a Cajun night, which I’m looking forward to!

Hef & Steve Bing

So now that superbowl is over, it’s time to concentrate on more important things, like love. Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, I’ve got romance on my brain, especially since I’ve been incapacitated for months now! We have the Mending Kid’s charity at the House of Blues hosted by my pal Tina Hillstrom and KISS to attend on Valentine’s Day and the release of our new relationship book that I know you guys will love! In the meantime, let’s hear it for those Seahawks!!


I’ve been wondering why this new year feels so exciting compared to last year and I think just the sheer number of 2014 sounds more exciting that 2013.



 It has a vibe to it, just saying it and the fact that I personally had a fibroid the size of a man’s fist removed from me that’s not cancerous, makes me very happy to be able to see 2014 and feel the utmost gratitude! 2013 was a very strange year of transition from old to new, at least for us. Ronn shed his alter ego Ridge Forrester, and found that cool Ronn Moss that is doing music again. And he’s having too much fun traveling the world and being ultra creative.


Creativity is intelligence on steroids. It’s what drives us to do what we are most passionate about. As long as we are doing the things we love creatively then monetary gains will come naturally. Being at the right place at the right time is also an important factor that often has nothing to do with how talented, smart or driven we are, but really just being at the right place at the right time.


Some can call that luck, but I tend to think it’s much more than mere luck, although being lucky is a cosmic thing also. I think it’s how much you desire something and how much energy, effort, love and passion you choose to put into your creativity that helps it manifest into reality. I speak a lot about this in my book “True Age, Timeless Beauty.” Don’t let the title fool you; it’s a motivational spiritual book that will help you keep your life in balance. I feel balance is the key to happiness in life and I use many examples of how I have done this in my book, which is on sale at discount price now!

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Ronn’s Ebay and mine are up for auction on Ebay and will be adding to it continuously now. Everything from photos, music, collectibles, clothing and yes those most requested scarves! I am also now doing more red carpet events as a journalist for Splash magazine and another surprise, which I will tell you about later. More surprises are coming, so look for me to be posting more questions and answers at ChaCha. ChaCha is a fun app and great way to communicate with everyone and share through Twitter and Facebook. So check it out and look for much much more from us in 2014!!





2014 is off to a great start for us as we each use our God given talents and start painting our artistic endeavors. Ronn kicked off this year with the Yacht Rock Revue boys at the House of Blues and did a new Ronn’s Garage on them. He got a new camera and will be taking some killer pictures of me for some artistic endeavors of my own. 


Seems like more and more producers are contacting me for future film roles. I have a drama and a possible psychological thriller for this year that I may do. There is also that relationship book that Ronn and I are trying to get out to you by Valentine’s Day! We have the upcoming Thalian’s charity event honoring Smokey Robinson at the House of Blues with Player in April and that cruise to the Bahamas next month with Player and the Yacht Rock Revue. 

Devin & Kira at Yacht Rock concert

Some other artistic endeavors include my upcoming partnership in opening a fashion and modeling school with a renowned Italian designer. I may also be the reporter for red carpet events for the fashion channel and may even do some speaking engagements around the world. Since I won’t be plagued with anymore illness and hope to have lots of energy; my future artistic endeavors will include more travel, writing, appearances, acting, producing and maybe even some modeling. Oh and let’s not forget cooking!

I am thrilled to be a part of “American Food Battle” in Finland and that should air next month. More livestream videos are coming from me in this area, as well as, DevRonn chats and Woman To Woman interviews. 

Angie Everhart

Right now, Ronn is reading scripts and planning the upcoming 411 movie projects, which is now a trilogy. Angie Everhart is his sexy co-star and the second 411 will film in Italy. So he’s trying to get all of his projects for this year scheduled to block out time to focus on his directorial debut with these 411 films. 

We re planning to go to the Netherlands, Australia and hopefully back to Finland and Italy in the coming months for various projects that are formulating. And I’m proud to see my brother and pop pinup artist Michael Moebius doing so well with his artistic endeavors. Seems he’s got all of Hollywood interested in his art now including, Rhianna, Paris Hilton and of course Playboy. 

Michael Moebius

I’m almost recovered from my surgery and slowly getting back to my normal routine. I am producing a documentary this year also on the Playmate in honor of Playboy’s 60th birthday and will start producing a documentary on Player later this year! So stay tuned for much much more from DevRonn and many other surprises!


This past weekend I felt blessed to have the energy to attend a few holiday parties. Since it’s been almost 3 weeks since my surgery and I’m experiencing no pain, my only issue has been lack of energy. So pacing myself has been the key to my success in this department. I didn’t even think I would be recovering so nicely and my sleep pattern is the only thing that needed to get back on track. Since I sometimes feel tired in the middle of the afternoon and would nap, it would be hard to sleep through the night without waking up at 3am. 

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We managed to celebrate a lovely Christmas with a nice big tree and all the yummy food that goes with the holiday season. Creason and Calee had fun opening a few presents I managed to get on my one day shopping spree and it was great to catch up with some wonderful friends we hadn’t seen in a while. 

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I met a lot of old friends that grew up with Ronn, which is so cool that he has that connection with people he knew since he was in diapers. And we managed to go to the Playboy mansion for a movie night to see “Anchorman 2” which happens to be one of Ronn’s favorite comedies. I think I’ve seen Anchorman with Ronn and the kids at least 20 times! 




So now I’m resting and saving up my energy for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day in which we have parties to attend on both of those days and I’m hoping to be back to my old self by next week and maybe even back at the gym!  We also have the Yacht Rock Reveue boys coming over to visit and do a Ronn’s Garage. Player will also join them on stage at the House of Blues this January 4th as we celebrate Peter Beckett’s girlfriend Eden Ayer’s birthday. 

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I’m super excited about 2014 and can feel it in my bones that it will be a huge year for us all. Player has a tour in the works with Little River Band and Ambrosia that they are trying to get scheduled for the US. And Player is honoring Smokey Robinson for the “Thalians” charity gala at the House of Blues here in LA on April 26, which will also be televised. We are heading to the Bahamas on a cruise with the Yacht Rock Revue and Player on Feb 26th, so that should be super fun! And Ronn will help honor Michael Douglas for Unicef on Jan 14th.

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So I think we will start 2014 off with a rockin good time and some damn good music and of course I’ll keep you all posted on all the Player dates coming up. I have lots more to tell you on many other surprises, but that will be another blog. So for now just know that we wish you all the best of 2014 and we are all very excited about the coming new year!

Last night Ronn and I attended the annual Thalians Christmas party held at the Bel Air Country club.  It was our second appearance and a special evening for “Player” who performed a few songs to kick off what is coming in 2014.  Hosted by Ruta Lee and Kira Lorsch, the Thalians has been honoring all of Hollywood for 60 years now. They raised over 1 million dollars for their event at the Playboy mansion that honored Hugh Hefner and will now honor the one and only Smokey Robinson at the “House of Blues” on April 26th. Player is proud to be a part of the headlining acts that will pay tribute to Smokey’s legendary songs.

bob & Kira

Dev & Kira

The Thalians has been giving proceeds to help the mental health of our troops and is committed to this cause that enables our troops to heal in both mind and body. They have honored stars like Clint Eastwood, Sammy Davis Jr and Lana Turner in the past 60 years and are now looking to honor young Hollywood in the future. This prestigious and generous charity is what makes Hollywood the unique and powerful club that they are and we are proud to be a part of them.




I was happy to see my dear friend, Mary Ann Mobley there last night, along with Cheech Marin and Kerry Gordy who will also be celebrating with us on April 26, 2014 as Player headlines in honor of Smokey Robinson at the House of Blues. I can’t wait for that evening will be one night to remember and it just may be televised!

Mary Ann Mobley

For more information on the Thalians check out their website http://www.thethalians.org/

This Thanksgiving was the first time Ronn and I have missed having turkey, but due to Katherine Kelly Lang’s schedule on B&B, we were trying to make this campaign for Chiarelli furniture work, thus traveling the day before Thanksgiving to Italy. I figured an Italian Thanksgiving wouldn’t be so bad, given how much we love Italian food. And traveling abroad the day before Thanksgiving wasn’t bad at all and quite pleasant actually. 

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We first stopped in Milan for Ronn to do an appearance on the popular Italian show, “Verissimo.” Then we would travel on to Bari, Italy which is in Puglia. How I wished we had more time to visit our special place, Borgo Egnazia, where we renewed our vows last year, but due to my upcoming surgery, we couldn’t stay in our beloved seconda casa longer. Ronn was asked to make a special appearance on “Ballando Con Le Stelle” and to do a Ski show, but it would be impossible due to my surgery, thus our trip was only a week this time. You can view the Verissimo interview by clicking the link below.


Visiting and catching up with Katherine Kelly Lang was fun as usual and the Chiarelli campaign was a big success that put a nice touch on our Italian Thanksgiving weekend. We had the most wonderful food and made some new friends that we are planning to revisit Puglia next year to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary and our 10th year together. I was quite to surprised to have so many fans asking for my photo and autograph this trip. Seems we have quite a lot of followers for the blog out there and Ronn is obviously loved more than ever, so taking photos is always endless. It’s so beautiful to see and feel the love from Italy, as always.

Mr & Mrs Chiarelli



As always, our trip is never complete without visiting Rome and our soul sister, Lavinia Biagiotti at the gorgeous castle she shares with her mother Laura. We are so at home there and it’s a great place to relax for Ronn. So even though we didn’t have turkey this Thanksgiving, we are still thankful for having visited our seconda casa surrounded by such loving fans and friends. 


It had been 10 years since I’d done an autograph show on the east coast, but I knew from fans online that we were welcomed with open arms. Ronn had never done a show before and his dear friend Cassandra Peterson aka Elvira was a veteran of them, so it was a great excuse to visit with her and see a little of Boston. Dennis “Fly” Amero from the group “Orleans” lives there and Boston has always been a city both Ronn and I wanted to get to know better.

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I had planned this show months ago and now with our tight schedule of traveling to Italy, we only had one day in between these two trips before my big surgery. So I wanted to have a little fun also. Needless to say, we had a lot of fun at the Boston Megafest and east coast fans are awesome. Ronn ran into Three Dog Night’s lead singer, Chuck Negron and Mark Lyndsey from “Paul Revere and the Raiders” who both performed at the kickass Boston Megafest afterparty Saturday night. They all wanted Ronn to join in and perform, but he was a bit tired from the overwhelming fans that day.

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So tonight we had drinks with Cassandra Peterson and caught up with her as we relaxed and just watched the “American Music Awards” so that we can do a bit of sightseeing in the morning before flying back home tomorrow. The highlight of my weekend was meeting the one and only  Barbara Eden. As a kid I always watched, “I Dreamed of Jeannie” whenever I was sick to feel better and laugh. I told her this and she was gracious enough to sign a poster with Bill Daley for me, as well as take a much cherished photo with me for my upcoming hospital stay.

Ronn & Cassandra Peterson.11.2013 Devin & Barbara Eden.11.2013

Boston Megafest will always be special for us now because of this weekend and the fact that so much love and fun was all around me sending positive vibes for my upcoming surgery. We got to see the first snow flurry of the season and really enjoyed our weekend with so many amazing characters from the Boston Megafest show. We want to thank Dave and Brian for showing us around Boston and being so awesome in making our weekend special. 

We had an absolute blast at the first annual Heroes Awards Dinner held at the Century Plaza Hotel in Century City. Our amazing and generous friends, The Cusumano Family were honored for their contributions to our wounded vets. Actor/musician Gary Senise from CSI/NY rocked the house with his awesome band and my always life of the party friend, Tina Hillstrom joined us and danced the night away, looking fabulous in her very own, Wannawear line. 

Caroline & Mike CusumanoDevRonn

Ronn as most of you know, always looks amazing in a tux and I had an excuse to wear an evening gown. Since we recently celebrated Veterans Day, I thought it was fitting to have such a terrific charity event at this time of the year. It reminds us all of how much our troops have sacrificed for our country. We met Nathan who lost both is legs, but still has a wonderful fighting spirit for life. He is a real life, Lt. Dan and it’s a privilege to have met him. 

Tina, Caroline & DevinAmy Dugan & Tanner Cusumano

This was the first Heroes awards dinner, but I”m certain not the last and since alot of our troops are starting to come home, it’s important to help integrate them into society and make them feel at home. The Goodwill gala was truly a first class event that I hope with bring joy to our Thankful hearts each and every year by helping our troops. Please visit http://www.goodwillsocal.org/2013-goodwill-gala-for-heroes for more info on how you can help be a part of this worthy cause.

Ronn & Mike.Gorgeous gowns

This week Ronn and I are preparing for our first ever autograph show together at the http://www.supermegafest.com/. I did this show many years ago and look forward to seeing alot of our east coast fans. They have a great after party of musical performances and are doing a tribute to the Beatles music, so this should be one fun show! Who knows maybe Ronn will join in?  After Boston we will journey back to our second home, Italy where Ronn is doing another campaign with Katherine Kelly Lang. So we won’t be home for Thanksgiving this year, but our hearts are indeed very Thankful for all our blessings. It was also great to do our DevRonn Chat on Livestream with you all before we left for this event. We hope to do these kinds of chats more often!

Devin & Nathan

This past weekend we had so much fun with old friends like German pop/pinup artist Michael Moebius, as we attended several fashion related events. We started with the book signing of fame musician photographer, John Varvatos and ran into Brooke Burke and David Charvet, along with other notable musicians, such as, Lionel Richie and “The Scorpions Bass player, Ralph Reckerman. Then we went to Flaunt magazine’s party for Selena Gomez. Rock n roll never looked so good and fashion and rock is still the place to be.  I could tell that being around all these musicians and artistic people that Ronn is embarking on an exciting new chapter of his life. He is still running into many familiar faces from the past, such as one of Player’s photographers  Brad Elterman.

Moebius & Ronn

Dev, Kako & Ronn

Brad Elterman

Bobbie Eakes had asked Ronn to be her surprise guest in her Palm Springs concert along with “The Cars” guitarist, Elliot Easton and ex-Thorne, B&B castmate, Jeff Tracta. This would also include a private after party that seemed like a class reunion. Eva LaRue, Sean Kanan and Tristian Rogers were just a few that were in attendance.  Bobbie put on an awesome performance that included rock, pop and country songs, which  earned her a well deserved standing ovation. It was my first time seeing her perform and let me tell you that girl can sing her cute little tush off! So I’m happy to announce an upcoming concert next spring that will include her singing with Ronn and a few other notable soap stars. This could also become a European tour of it’s own.

Bobbie & Ronn

Bobbie’s concert showcased her background as Miss Georgia, her musical roots with her band, “Big Trouble” and songs from her favorite musicians such as, Whitney Houston, Billy Joel, Davy Jones and Adele. Bobbie named her show, “Turn The Page” and gave an amazing rendition of Bob Seger’s song, which symbolized her journey from music to acting and back to her passion, music which she does so damn well. I predict we see more of Bobbie’s amazing talents musically in this new chapter of her life and was so happy she could share this with Ronn and her former B&B husband, Jeff Tracta.


Speaking of new chapters, Jeff Tracta has become the world’s greatest voice impressionist, comedian and singer in his own sold out live performances in Las Vegas. He is incredibly talented and we can’t wait to catch one of his shows. I think Ronn joins the ranks with Bobbie and Jeff in starting new exciting chapters of their lives doing what they passionately love and showcasing their God given talents and with that you can never go wrong.

Elliot Easton, Ronn, Bobbie & Jeff

We ended our lovely weekend attending a birthday party for publicist, Anthony Turk and it was so fun to hang out with Patrika Darbo, David Sheen and Eva LaRue.  As we turn the pages of our lives into exciting new chapters we are quite sure music and fashion will be a part of that.

 Anthony Turk



Last night we were invited to attend the book signing of a Princess thrown in a beautiful private home in Bel Air. The invitation came urgently at the last minute the day before. Turns out one of Ronn’s close childhood friends was a friend of the person putting this event together. She was desperately trying to connect Ronn with a producer from Italy that was interested in him for a project. As I read the story of what this Princess’ book was about, I felt like I had heard the story before and expressed it to Ronn. I had this feeling of excitement building in the pit of my stomach as we left to go to the party. And I always pay attention to the people and coincidences that are presented to me when these feelings occur. I speak more in detail on this in my book, “True Age, Timeless Beauty.”

Devin, Dialta & Ronn

As we entered the elegant mansion where this party was held and started speaking with Dialta Alliata Lensi Orlandi, she reminded me of someone we met in Rome this past June. Although this person was a man, there was an unusual sense of a connection. We began conversing with a number of people throughout the evening, each having some sort of connection to Ronn’s past. The most astonishing was a producer, Jay Weston who did one of my favorite movies, “Lady Sings The Blues.” He’s also a writer for the “Huffington Post.”  Turns out Jay knew Ronn’s father from many years ago and it’s extremely rare to meet someone today who knew Ronn’s father since he’s been dead for nearly 20 years!

Ronn & Jay Weston

This seemed to be the pattern throughout the evening at this party. I saw the gorgeous Barbara Carrera, whom I knew already through my friend and Matron of honor, Tina Hillstrom and Richard Chamberlin, who looked like he could actually be Ronn’s father or at least play him in a role. But the shocker of the evening was that Dialta’s book, “My Mother, My Father and His Wife Hortense” is the true story of Dialta’s family secret that was kept for nearly 100 years. It is the story that movies are made from. A love story like no other and a long drawn out feud with NYU over the largest, most valuable private collection of art the world has ever known.  It turns out my hunch was correct. I had heard the story before this past summer, from an encounter with Dialta’s brother, whom we met at the Taormina Film Festival in June.

Ronn & Richard Chamberin

So this beautiful, memorable and very synchronistic evening has led to some new and interesting encounters with some very talented people. I highly recommend you read, “My Mother, My Father and His Wife Hortense” to see for yourself exactly what I’m speaking of.

Barbara Carrera

It’s hard to believe that Ronn is a native Californian and there are many gorgeous places he has yet to visit. We wanted to find a free weekend to visit Creason who is away at college and both of us have never been to Santa Cruz. Creason has been telling us how gorgeous it is for months now, and Ronn loves a colder climate, so we thought this would be the perfect time of the year to make our journey to Santa Cruz.

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It’s a journey being in a car for five hours with even with the best of mates, this can sometimes be challenging. How many of you can relate to what I’m trying to say here? You’re giving out directions to a place you both have never been and he passes up an exit and thinks you don’t know what the hell you are talking about? Get my drift?  So since I’ve been with my amazingly adorable husband for nearly a decade, I can safely attest being with him in a car for five hours under these circumstances is not always fun for me and I sometime want to scream from frustration!

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So we decided to break our trip up and make it fun. As you know by now, we love red wines and wine tasting in Paso Robles sounded great since we would of course be passing through on our journey to Santa Cruz. Plus it broke the trip in half, so I found the cutest bed and breakfast that overlooks a small, but picturesque vineyard called, “Honey Oak House at Laraneta Vineyards in Templeton, just outside of Paso Robles.

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The owners are Joe and Melinda who started their winery and flavored olive oil on their 20 acre vineyard.  You feel like you are staying over at your best friend’s house for the night. We had a lovely wine tasting of their superb wines and shared a bottle of Cabernet with Bob and Marsha who were traveling from San Francisco. Turns out Bob was from Louisiana with family from guess where? Finland!

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So after a few laughs about some of our coincidental stories and a  bottle of wine watching the sunset, we were ready to settle in for the evening. Tomorrow we will be in Santa Cruz with only a couple more hours in the car, hopefully with no directional issues. I told Ronn maybe I should drive and he could navigate, but he didn’t seem to like that idea very much, hmm I wonder why?

It seems like the summer flew by so fast for us and it’s already almost Halloween, where does the time go? Ronn has been in and out of town with the “Sail Rock” tour most of the summer and is about to finish it with a Canadian concert date scheduled for Oct 8th in Toronto. During the summer actress, Victoria Rowell, known for her role as Dru on “The Young And The Restless” called Ronn about a role on a new project she was writing. Victoria was anxious for Ronn to read, “The Rich And The Ruthless,” a satire comedy about the making of you guessed it, a soap opera. Apparently, Victoria wrote a part especially for her “Diagnosis Murder co-star, Dick Van Dyke and Dick just couldn’t do the part even though it was written especially for him. But, Victoria thought Ronn could totally fill in for Mr. Van Dyke, are you following me here?

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So “The Rich And The Ruthless” will shoot sometime before Thanksgiving and Ronn thinks the project is hysterical. In addition to writing for television, Victoria has written a best selling novel, “Secrets of A Soap Opera Diva.” and just released her latest follow up novel, “The Young and The Ruthless.”  So I think she’s well qualified to bring such a project to fruition and with Ronn on board, their Aussie fans should be very happy indeed. What’s cool about “The Rich And The Ruthless” is that you can contribute and be a part of the making of this pilot. Check it out and see how here. I’m thinking Victoria and the cast of the “Rich And The Ruthless” can all join Player in the Bahamas next February on the Norwegian Pearl Cruise Line to rock out with “The Yacht Rock Revue and Player! together on this trip of a lifetime. You too can join us in the Bahamas!


In the meantime, we will look forward to the filming of Rich And The Ruthless and I of course, will keep you guys posted on any and all Player appearances! 

It’s not everyday you get invited to fly to Las Vegas on a private jet with fun friends drinking champagne and eating chocolate covered potato chips to see the one and only Sir Elton John! I know it sounds like I’m making this up, but trust me I’m not. Elton was on my bucket list of must-see concerts-before I die, so the answer to this invite was a no brain-er!

Plane ride to Vegas

Along this yellow brick road to Vegas we stayed at the amazing Venetian Hotel.  It’s not exactly like the real canals of Venice, especially now due to draining the canals to repaint the bottoms. Our dear pals Brad and Tina Hillstrom joined us as guests of Caroline and Michael Cusumano. Now Mike is pretty damn good at black jack and they were ready to gamble, but only after a little French cuisine and some nice bottles of wine.
It’s always a pleasure to dine with the Cusumanos because they love and have great knowledge of wines, so it’s always yummy, fun and educational.

caroline and Dev

Since it’s a rarity to have a get-a-way opportunity with Ronn that didn’t involve work, this felt like heaven. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect and Ronn felt like relaxing by the pool. I don’t enjoy being directly in the sun and we both prefer a more breeziness along with it, spoiled? Yes indeed, we were feeling great. I felt a sense of excitement sweep over me anticipating the Elton John performance that would be the finale of this fantasy get-a-way.

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Ronn only had to walk through the Venetian shops with me for my morning cappuccino and it felt romantic to ponder my recent birthday trip to the real Venice. Our breakfast waiter politely greeted us and asked, “Are you Ronn Moss?” He continued to say what a fan he was for Player, which surprised Ronn and then he said, “What did you think I was going to say something about that soap opera?” We got a great laugh out of that one.

Shortly after our breakfast, a young Australian couple asked Ronn for a photo and expressed how much he’s missed in Australia. We actually ran into a few other Aussies who told us that. As you can see our morning was becoming quite an adventure down this yellow brick road of Las Vegas on our way to Elton.

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As we continured out of the restaurant, we ran into another lady who thought Ronn looked like Elvis. She told him it was his hair that made him look like Elvis. I couldn’t stop giggling. It seemed like all morning long someone was paying Ronn a compliment everywhere we turned. Then when we all sat down to play some black jack and things got interesting. Since I don’t gamble, I watch, talk, drink and laugh a lot. Mike was trying to teach Ronn how to play and before we could get started the female pit boss comes up to Ronn and tells him how much she loves Player!

She explained that the very first record she played on her record player as teen was “Baby Come Back.” Of course we were all moved listening to her heartfelt enthusiasm for this moment in her life and knew a photo was inevitable. However, you aren’t suppose to take photos at a black jack table in Vegas, didn’t you know that?


Our adventure continued when we entered a long stretched limo just to take us across the street to that grand hotel, “Ceasar’s Palace” to finally see Elton. Caroline informed me they had one extra ticket to give away to someone nice, so I had to help Caroline pick out that lucky person! Settling into our seats and looking at the piano onstage I knew this would be a moment in my life that I would always look back upon fondly.

Mike and Ronn

This yellow brick road I was on was fun and I was enjoying the journey. I thought back to a dinner I had with Elton John and Sylvester Stallone at Nicky Blair’s in 1988. That too was a memorable evening and one that was captured by the paparazzi when we left. I wondered with all the dinners and moments in Elton’s life if he would remember me?


The concert was incredible and our moment in Las Vegas watching Elton’s performance is one that will forever be etched with fondness for all of us. Ronn actually learned a thing or two about black jack and won a few hands. Brad and Tina bought the coolest sunglasses on the planet. And Mike and Caroline gave us a memory that will last a lifetime, thank you so much for the love and friendship.

So goodbye yellow brick road, Las Vegas will always be a special moment in time for us!


We had a wonderful weekend spent with several friends we hadn’t seen in a while, such as Katherine Kelly Lang. I was happy to cook a fun dinner for her and our young talented writer/director Ivan Silvestrini who is the writer/director of the acclaimed webseries, “Stuck.” Ivan is developing the perfect project for Ronn and Kelly to star in and just completed his first feature film, “Come Non Detto” a comedy about a gay guy who has a hard time coming out with his parents. We think Ivan is a sheer talent and a wonderful person and really enjoyed the film.

KKL and Ivan SilvestriniIMG_0072

So I think good vibrations are in order for Ronn and Kelly to reunite in a say a romantic comedy? Then Ronn and I attended the birthday party of producer David McKenzie at the Staple center for a hockey game that was held in a private suite. It was such a lovely evening and so nice to see one of my favorite gal pals, Kira Reed Lorsch. We met English actor, Gregg Sulkin who starred in the Disney series, “Wizards of Waverly Place” as Selena Gomez’ boyfriend.

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Ronn is getting ready to read a script for a 10 hour mini series that he will be working on with David McKenzie which I will give you details on soon. But what I can tell you is that this will be a terrific, amazing project that you will surely love and you will get to see Ronn on TV again soon! In addition to trying to finish the “Sail Rock” tour, Player will now do a possible tour in Finland this January.


So as you can see, there are good vibrations everywhere with music, movies and television projects in the works. We are just trying to find the time to fit it all in before and after the upcoming holidays which is just around the corner. I can’t believe how fast this year is going by! Tomorrow night we ride our Harley’s to the DVD release party premiere of “Easy Rider, The Ride Back” in Marina Del Rey at Bartel’s Harley Davidson. The producer of that film is also the producer/writer of the upcoming “411” movie that Ronn will be directing.


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In addition to all of this, Ronn and Peter Beckett did a very cool photo shoot with photographer Christopher Ameruoso in Elvis Presley’s actual sunglasses as part of a cool book of talented stars all wearing Elvis’ glasses, and you all know how much I love Elvis! So I think there will be good vibrations in celebrating all the exciting new upcoming projects and as usual I will keep you posted as they continue to evolve, but in the meantime enjoy the second installment of “Finland’s Game of Emotions.”


As you all know we went to Finland last month for Ronn  to do a secret project that had all of the Finns guessing. We now know that the first of this series has been released and we are able to talk about the experience we had doing this wonderful, creative project. Ronn was hired by Veikkaus known for their lottery commercials that run with many of Finland’s athletes.  They decided to do a series with some of their most famous athletes portraying characters in “Game Of Emotions.”


“Game Of Emotions” will continue to release other segments online and on TV in Finland as an ongoing campaign for their lottery. Apparently, Finland has never seen their athletes as actors and with each segment ending with Ronn as their long lost father, the drama will continue to unfold into even more hilarious segments that will have you on the floor laughing. This shoot went so well and was so fun that it kept all of us laughing on the set and we could feel this was indeed a winner!


So I’m sure as it continues to unfold you will see a different side of those Finnish athletes and a different side of Ronn in this satire of a serial drama that was so cleverly done in an ad campaign for the Finland lottery. “Game of Emotions” is unlike anything Finland has seen in TV ads. As we move into our own sports season with football, Finland moves into soccer and ice skating, so having their familiar athletes portray characters like this is very comical and unusual for them to see.


We are hoping that “Game of Emotions” will be enjoyed this season as much as we all enjoyed the making of it. And we hope to have any excuse to visit our beloved Finns again!



I think Prince coined “Jam of the Year” as a song on his “Emancipation” album, but it’s ours now. For some reason, we love rockin out on Mondays. First the Canyon Club for my big 50th birthday and now Labor Day weekend will always be etched in our brain with the Jam of the year. We had REO Speedwagon’s Bryan Hitt on drums and REO’s guitarist Dave Amato rockin in with Player. It was so hot that all we could do was dance our asses off all night long.



It’s not everyday I have tons of people dancing in my garage, but no one could sit still and had to get up and grove to the music. I cooked red beans and rice for my vegetarian friends and a killer gumbo. Ronn grilled chicken and tri tip and others brought tons more food to add to our Player Potluck Jam of the year! This was so good, we may make it an annual event.

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Right now it’s almost 4:30 in the afternoon and I’m just now having a cappuccino to wake myself up and function properly. I’ve not partied this much since, well my birthday at the Canyon Club. But, when Player jams no one can sit still. We had a great group of friends old and new come in and out throughout the evening to share in on all the fun. Patrick Warburton brought out cigars and added to the cool vibe. Al Stewart, who is famous for his hit, “Time Passages” and “Year of the Cat” is always a wine expert who happens to look like an executive, but the boy can jam!

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Nothing like the fun, positive, loving energy that engulfed our house and made our jam of the year so wonderful. Our kitchen looked like an explosion hit it this morning. Tell me why does everyone love to be in the kitchen at house parties anyway? Oh yeah, food! So with fun friends, great food and music it’s a given that we call this the jam of the year with pride. Notice Peter Beckett on drums! Who knows maybe we may take our Player Jam Parties on the road along with the Player Angels and party in your hometown! More of the fun on Ronn’s Garage coming up!

When the “Sail Rock” tour began, Peter and Ronn had reservations about how it would turn out. It had been a while since Ronn was on tour, but Peter knew most of the boys that were touring in this lineup. What no one expected was for this tour to be such a bonding of genuine admiration and friendship between all of them.


Since I saw the concert several times, it’s safe to say I can properly critique it. Personally, I thought it was fantastic each and every time and I’m not just saying that because I’m partial to Player. All of these guys were simply fantastic musicians and filled every venue with crowds of people who I know would agree with me. The audiences participated with singing along, clapping and dancing to their favorite songs that I’m sure brought back fond old memories.

As the tour progressed, the boys had John Ford Coley open the show. John is a natural at this and his sense of humor is timeless. I have come to adore him and his jokes. I’m reading his book, “Backstage Pass” now and he writes just as he speaks. I highly recommend it. Jock who is one of the original members of “Firefall” is an amazing artist and I was very impressed with his work. The boys from “Orleans” include former NY senator, John Hall along with Lance, Lane and Fly who kept us all laughing with his jokes.


Christopher Cross was quiet at first, but once you get him talking that boy is just a good ole Texan with a great sense of humor too. Then there’s Gary Wright and Robbie Dupree who is just one of a kind and keeps you in stitches constantly. I’ve never seen Peter and Ronn laugh so much and have so much fun as they did on this tour. They have made some friends for life and as the “Sail Rock” tour slowly comes to an end I know it’s indeed a new beginning for all of them. 


There  are other tours in the works for next year and Player will sail on to some exotic local. Apparently, lots of locations and other countries are now getting interested in Player. And Peter and Ronn look forward to more adventures touring and will sail on into the sunset with some fun in the sun.

Christopher Cross & Ronn

I think the future looks very bright for all these guys because this music is timeless and classic and will never go out of style. You may not recognize the musicians instantly, but you certainly recognize the music. I think anyone that went to the “Sail Rock” concert will agree it was one of the best shows this summer!

It was a short, but really impressive trip to Finland, especially for me because I’d never been there. We arrived early Saturday morning from a pleasant flight on Finnair, an extremely nice comfortable airline with great service. This is a must for us traveling abroad. Ronn was shooting a mystery project that I’m not allowed to reveal yet, but can tell you it’s very clever and will be a big success from what I can see. The weather was a bit cold and rainy at first, which is never a problem for Ronn because he loves it. But the sun shined towards the end of each day which made us able to do a little of sightseeing in between shooting.



The Fins have what is called, “Restaurant Day” in which anyone can go online and feature their dishes on that day to the public and I’ve never seen so many people outside enjoying the sunshine as I did that day. We ran across a bunch of guys cooking Mexican food who wanted us to join them and of course take photos with Ronn. Seems the Finnish people love Ronn very much and we couldn’t have felt more welcome.

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I was very impressed with how organized and efficient the Finnish people are with almost everything. Their food and design was very unique and interesting to their culture and they seem to appreciate a variety of things. I find them also very creative and learned alot about their culture. The extreme weather they have learned to endure makes them very strong and also extremely creative I think.

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We had  lovely weather when we attended the soccer game and Ronn presented the Helsinki team with a huge trophy. Seems everyone was speculating on what brought Ronn to Helsinki and the press was super curious. We have all laughed at all the speculations which ranged from Finland’s TV version of “Big Brother” and “Dancing With The Stars” to a new Finnish soap version of “The Bold and The Beautiful.”

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We also had the chance to see Yoko Ono in concert last night in a covered tent. It’s not everyday you get to see Yoko Ono who is 80 years old perform in a tent, but it was quite nice. Her performance is nothing short of eccentric and unique to her and I really enjoyed it. I feel you must listen to her with your eyes closed to really grasp the spirituality of what she does with her voice.

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We then had the most unique and interesting coincidence in finding a restaurant after the concert. Apparently, most of the restaurants in Helsinki are closed on Monday and Tuesdays and our production crew wanted to find a good place for us to go. Ronn had retweeted fame chef Henri Alen who owns the restaurant “Muru” and the producers called him to ask if he could recommend a place for us to go. Henri generously invited us to his second and newer French restaurant, “Pastis” and had the most amazing dinner. I had steak and french fries cooked in truffle oil that was to die for.

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Henri explained that he was a bit in shock when the producers called him because he was a big fan of Ronn’s music and the chefs in his kitchen listened to Ronn’s solo CDs all the time. So it was a thrill for him to have us there and he happily gave me a private tour of the kitchen along with a cookbook from “Muru” which I look forward to visiting the next time we are in Helsinki, which could be very soon! I challenged Henri to a gumbo cook off and Ronn and I are considering bringing, “Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning” to Finland for a BBQ on restaurant day.

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So as we board our flight back to Salt Lake City in time for Player’s performance tonight, we bring a little bit of Helsinki with us in our hearts. The producers of this project presented Ronn with a Suunto watch that he absolutely loves and will cherish. In time you will all know what the secret project is in September. We have fallen in love with this endearing place and hope to return to visit again very soon.


Caroline, Mike and Dev

Summer just isn’t summer for us until we get to experience Hef’s infamous Midsummer Night’s Dream party. It’s always the first Saturday in August and is Playboy’s most beautiful party. Visually stunning because they tent the whole back yard and decorate with tons of flowers to give you the feeling of a tropical paradise. Then they sprinkle in painted ladies to walk around and serve you yummy things to eat. These painted ladies are totally nude except for the body painted lingerie that takes hours to do and are simply, a work of art to look at. It’s really hard not to stare in awe.


These days the Playboy mansion has become much more corporate. Gone are the days when Hef walked around and chatted with his guests while the cameras followed him. Now there are huge lines to go and greet him, while a hot DJ spins music and cirque de solei painted ladies entertain you while your are dancing. There are now lounge chairs everywhere for you sit and watch the array of women walk around in gorgeous lingerie with killer bodies.


So this Playboy mansion party had a great mixture of young and older friends and Playmates.  Hef’s sons Cooper and Marston are starting to take things over in promoting the brand that we all know and love to be Playboy and it’s apparent change is delightful. It was fun to see Kendra dancing her cute little butt off with the painted ladies onstage and everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time.   I personally think this midsummer party was one of the best. It was also nice for me to have a bit of fun after the emotional week I’ve had losing my beloved, Romeo.


It was also nice to have some of our friends there that were first timers. I was thrilled to be able to bring my gal pals, Tina and Caroline.  It’s not as easy to bring the guys up there unless you are a celebrity. So I made a special request for our young Aussie Actors, Brenton Thwaites and Nathanial Buzolic. It was Nathanial’s 30th birthday and so we toasted him big time at midnight with Tequila shots. Brenton just finished the upcoming movie, Maleficent with Angelina Jolie and Nathanial is a series regular on “Vampire Diaries” both look like they could be my sons and so I’ve adopted them as their American mum.

Here’s a toast to Hef and Crystal’s magical midsummer delight! Thanks for having us join in on a superb party!

Today was a very sad and emotional day for us as a family, losing our beloved Romeo. He was and always will be my special gift from the universe and the time has come for me to let him go. I thought I was prepared for this because I knew he was getting old, even though he still acted like a puppy. He had a cough that had been lingering and getting worst, plus a heart condition. But Romeo had always been a healthy Shih-Tzu and I never had to take him in for eye or ear infections, which this breed is known to have.


Given I also had Romeo’s father, Elvis for over 11 years, I knew he had inherited his father’s heart condition that took him the same way. Shih-Tzus for me are extremely special. They are Chinese dogs and are considered spiritual, intelligent, loving creatures and I felt this was my special little gift in life. He was the closest thing I’d ever have to a baby in this lifetime and I loved him deeply.

Since I grew up in and out of foster homes, I never had animals and always wanted a dog. I was in my early 20s when I  finally got my first dog. She was a Lhasa and was gifted to me, so I didn’t pick the breed. I named her Honey and she got hit by a car when I lived in Knoxville, Tennessee. I was devastated and was gifted again by another female Lhasa that I had for over 5 years, she too was hit by a car. So I decided to change breeds and not have another female dog. I decided it was time for me to pick a breed and fell in love with the Shih-Tzu.


Because I was still grieving the loss of my dog, this particular Shih-Tzu had a calm personality as a puppy and stayed that way throughout his adult life. Elvis’ father was a stud and my friend Viki had bred Shih-Tzus for over 30 years. She told me if I ever wanted to breed him in the future to let her know. I’m not into breeding animals and would rather rescue them, but this was a different time in my life and the universe led me to this Shih-Tzu. I felt like I had to have his first born son because Elvis was just so special and thus, my Romeo was born five years later. So I knew this was the one and only time in my life I would ever have such a dog and I feel blessed to have had him live such a long, healthy and happy life. He has brought me such joy and given me so much love throughout these 12 and a half years together and for that I’m in deep gratitude.



I’m also grateful that he went quickly, peacefully and here at home with all of us present today. I was scheduled to take him to the vet tomorrow for a check up on this cough that was getting worst and even though he looked and acted like a puppy, we all knew his days were numbered. Ronn has had many animals, most of them he had to put down and so the thought of putting Romeo down was more painful than the way he went.



Because he is my special gift from the universe, I have decided to cremate him and found a wonderful service Guardian After Care that picked him up and will deliver his ashes in an urn with a lock of his hair, name on a plaque with paw prints. This way I can keep his special presence with me always. I think animals are blessings in our lives and add to our spiritual growth. The unconditional love and devotion they give you is so innocent and pure, if only we could be more like them with other human beings?

Nothing will ever compare to my Romeo. He was deeply loved by many and quite a charming little man that most of you know could sing. So in loving memory of my special little gift in life, here is Romeo singing as I know he is with his father in doggy heaven right now.
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This past weekend to Paso Robles was a first for both Ronn and I. We were there for Player’s concert lineup on the Sail Rock tour along with Firefall, Orleans, Al Stewart and Christopher Cross. So Peter and Eden thought we should naturally go up a day early and do some wine tasting. The drive was a pleasant one and the weather couldn’t have been more beautiful. There are so many great wines from the Paso Robles region and for years our neighbors who own the wine, “Opolo” has invited us to their annual wine festival of grape stomping, music and BBQ feasting galore. But, somehow between Ronn’s schedule of work and travel, we have never been able to make it to the winery until this past weekend.


We happen to also know the Hunt family which also produce a terrific wine from Paso Robles and stopped off at their vineyard for a tasting, along with the Ancient Peak, Cass and Tobin James wineries. Needless to say we had great time and I can attest to the fact that the wines of this region are amazing.


The concert drew a terrific crowd that enjoyed the fair and the moonlit breeziness of the night since the concert was set outdoors. My girlfriend Sue and her friend Brenda had a great time and joined us backstage afterwards where we were hanging out with Al Stewart and his girlfriend Jill. As we were saying goodbye, Jill miss her step into the van and fell backwards in a hard fall that ended up breaking her finger! It was a quite a hard fall and a terrible freakish accident. We all felt terrible watching her finger swell as the ambulance came to take her to the hospital. She was remarkably calm and all she and Al could talk about was having us all get together for a dinner party at their place once the tour was over.

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Such a lovely couple that we are sending love and light to right now for Jill to have a speedy recovery. I don’t think any of us will forget our past weekend in Paso Robles for many reasons. Great wine, friends old and new, music and serene scenery made it memorable enough to say, we will be back!