
Peter Beckett


Many of you have been asking questions for months and feeling confused over the changes that have been happening with Ronn’s band Player. So I want to clarify some misconceptions and point out some facts because you as fans deserve to know the truth. As most of you know Player started in 1977 and Ronn is a founding member, they had the number one hit song, “Baby Come Back”  and as a result, toured with Eric Clapton, Heart, Boz Scaggs and Kenny Loggins. Then Peter Beckett’s ego clashed with the co-writer of “Baby Come Back” JC Crowley and Peter abandoned the band because he didn’t want to play with JC anymore. He decided to come back after a short time and regrouped with Ronn and original drummer John Friesen and did the album, “Room with a View” when they found another record company. After that album, the band experienced a slow down and didn’t get any tours, so Ronn decided to try his hand at acting, a suggestion their RSO manager, Robert Stigwood gave him. Peter again decided to regroup with just John Friesen during the time Ronn was away acting and this was the only album Ronn did not do called, “Spies of Life.”  This album also didn’t do much for Player and the group died shortly afterward in 1982.  JC Crowley went on to do country music and battled throat cancer, John Friesen became the owner of a video company, Ronn became Ridge Forrester and Peter was the guitarist in “Little River Band” for 9 years. So Player died and wasn’t thought of anymore.

Ronn & Peter Beckett

After a 13 year period of Player being completely dead, Ronn and Peter again regrouped in 1995 and began recording and performing as Player again. They produced “The Best of Player” and “Lost In Reality” album, as well as,  two solo albums for Ronn and Ronn toured Australia twice in the early part of 2000.  It seemed many people knew the song “Baby Come Back,” but did not know who did that song. Many fans thought Hall and Oates, or Ambrosia did that song, so having Player out there with social media and the Internet gave fans more awareness about them. Since Ronn was so popular on “The Bold and The Beautiful” this brought many fans to become aware of Player, and Ronn did International and national press to give fans first hand knowledge about the band and the song. This was something Player had not had in years. “Baby come Back” had been featured in a Swifter commercial, in the movie, “Transformers” and in a Toyota commercial in Australia. Ronn got royalties on all of these things because the song was his as much his as it was Peter’s.  Plus all the national and International  press Ronn was getting for the band garnered a lot of fans together to know the group that actually did that song.

I remembered when I first met Ronn in 2004 and I said to him, ‘You mean you did that song and no one knows you did that song?” Player at that time, had no presence online and Ronn complained he had no time to do music due to his schedule on B&B.  Peter Beckett was having marital problems and no longer touring with Little River Band. So I decided to put together jam parties as a excuse to have them get together and just have fun playing music. Some of our first jam parties included, Corey Feldman, Patrick Cassidy and Patrick Muldoon.  Patti Myers started out as a Peter Beckett fan who did a website for him and then one for Ronn and one for Player. She would find old Player videos and pics and put them on her site. Peter had no interest or time to learn anything about the web and so he allowed Patti to do everything for him. Then when a  Ronn Moss fan came along to do a site for him, Patti got jealous and I had to mediate between them to the point that Ronn asked me to do a site for him so that we wouldn’t go through this kind of nonsense. As the web started to change and social media became more and more necessary this proved to be a good thing. Ronn was a verified celebrity with a large fan base and we needed to make sure fans were indeed getting news directly from him and we wanted to make sure they got the facts straight.  So we have always been totally hands on regarding you our fans. I think you know this already by now. You know when you to you talk to us you are indeed talking directly to us and not some fan who may twist things around and hurt your brand. In this case, the brand of Player.

Since Peter insisted that he still needed Patti to do his website he asked if  we would keep letting her do the Player website and at the time that wasn’t a problem for us. Ronn even allowed her to sell photos of him and Peter on her site and not pay us anything to make her happy and give her a little money, something Peter never seemed to have, so that she would continue doing Peter’s site and social media.  I had my own site and Ronn’s site and then we started DevRonn with our spice in 2008, so my plate was indeed full. I love marketing and thought that Player was  very talented and could be brought back into the limelight with a bit of savvy work. Peter had gone through a divorce and was working at Guitar Center when he met Rob Math in 2008 who became Player’s guitarist. Ronn brought in the ultra talented Jawn Star and the four of them were now Player.  However, let’s be clear, Peter only viewed them as side men who would never actually be Player because he and Ronn were the originals.  Ronn did not treat them that way or view them that way. I have promoted Player here on this blog since 2009 in countless posts, as well as, articles in magazines. We thought it was such a talented foursome and their harmonies were what the baby boomers craved that we just didn’t hear live anymore. I knew if I loved it and could listen to it all day long, then you guys would love it also. We rehearsed them in our garage for years for the few gigs that they got during that time and I blogged about them continuously here. Peter lived rent free in one of our houses for about 6 months after his divorce where he wrote songs for their now, “Too Many Reasons” CD and I encouraged Ronn to find themselves a manager. I tried to get them on television by having friends I knew see them perform at home which led to “The Hollywood Christmas Parade” performance in 2010.

A buzz began around this time and they seemed to get a few more gigs in various places. Seems fans were especially curious to see Ronn perform in person. At every show, Ronn would give credit to Peter for writing ‘Baby Come Back” and tell the story of how he, JC and Peter auditioned live for Robert Stigwood to garner their record deal with RSO. They did it live because a tape could be put on the shelf. So Peter Beckett did not get a record deal all by himself, nor did a write “Baby Come Back” all by himself, it was the three of them collaborating which led to that moment and then Ronn brought in his child hood friend and drummer, John Friesen and Player was born.

Player Angels

When Patti Myers started to diminish Ronn on the Player website in favor of Peter, we knew we had some problems that weren’t going to go away. Peter depended on her and had no knowledge of social media, she did his tweets, postings as him and now Peter’s new wife Eden answered his emails. We needed to protect Ronn’s brand online and with social media and so we acquired the Playertheband.com domain. Ronn had it years before and that’s why Patti had Player-theband.com as her domain. I tried to keep up with all the changes online regarding Twitter, Instagram, Periscope etc and it was getting overwhelming, however I could see Player was indeed growing and so was Ronn.


When Ronn left B&B he was free to tour with Peter and Player became a touring band again when their new manager got them a record deal with Frontier’s because they were based in Italy and Ronn is so popular there. And he got them on the “Sail Rock Tour” in 2013 with other notable acts like, Christopher Cross, Orleans and John Ford Coley. It was just Ronn and Peter touring and singing only three songs as it was not cost effective to have a 5 piece band of their tour and they were the original members. Fans seemed thrilled and this led to General Hospital contacting Ronn and asking if Player would sing “Baby Come Back” for their nurses ball show. This also led to us having them seen on our “Celebrity Wife Swap” episode on ABC and putting Player’s name on national television again. I wrote articles in magazines and marketed them on our social media and in press continuously for years. I even had them play a charity event I did at the Canyon Club for animal rescue to give Player another chance to be seen and heard.  Then Ronn was asked to tour in Australia again and they only wanted Ronn, but he insisted on bringing Player and the entire band so that they could experience a proper tour in late 2014. This was great for Player and that extensive 14 date tour was the most the entire band ever had. I thought it was odd that Peter was acting so strange during this tour and telling everyone he owned Player suddenly, which I didn’t know what that meant. Since I was live streaming way back then, I happened to get a strong enough signal one night to chat with you guys and Peter went off on me saying I wasn’t allowed to do that? This remark made no sense, since everyone had a cell phone and was doing it at the time. I told him he was ungrateful and was afraid that Ronn would be upset with me when I told him about the blowup with Peter.  Turns out nearly everyone had problems with Peter on this tour and we vowed never to try and bring Player overseas again. It seemed Peter was getting pissed and jealous of all the attention Ronn had with fans who lined up every night for photos with him. I thought this was odd given Peter had been overseas and toured with Ronn before, so he knew what to expect.  Nevertheless, this  tour led to more tour dates in the states with acts like “Little River Band” and “Ambrosia” for the “Rock the Yacht Tour” in 2015 which featured again only Ronn and Peter as Player. They had not been a touring band for a long time  and it was not cost effective to have the entire band tour the states like these other bands that had been touring for years. Player needed to work up and build up to that.

I watched the entire band sit on the sidelines after touring Australia as they watched only Ronn and Peter tour as Player for over a year. Then in early 2016, the entire band got a concert in Palm Springs for one show and I knew they were itching to do more. Ronn had expressed the desire to do some acoustic classic rock cover songs and Peter had no interest, nor did he have any interest in doing any charities, but the rest of the band did. I had a few contacts and managed to get them a couple of things locally just to play together as “Ronn Moss and Friends” and then Peter went nuts. He phoned Ronn and had lunch with him telling him he no longer wanted to play with the boys as Player and that there weren’t any gigs for them anyway, only for the two of them. So Peter sent a letter to the band telling them he no longer needed their service for Player. It was an underhanded move because we had just booked a big concert on a cruise for the following year called, “The Rock and Romance Cruise.” It was awesome because it was the first cruise to have nothing but acts from the 70s like “America” “Peter Frampton” and “Ambrosia.” We were excited to have the entire band go on that cruise, but it was a year away.

After only Ronn and Peter performed together as Player in the summer of 2016, we figured the entire band would regroup for the upcoming “Rock and Romance Cruise,” but Peter brought in a local guy, Buster Akrey who he claimed would be better than Jawn Star to rehearse for the upcoming cruise gig because he lived close to us all and Jawn lived two hours away. He said Burleigh Drummond would be playing in “Ambrosia” on the cruise anyway, so he was thrilled to play as Player’s drummer and he brought back Rob Math as guitarist. Ronn was very torn about this because the band with Jawn and Jimmy worked so well in Australia. Now they were going to have to train two new guys with all the music of Player and rehearsed for over a month for the cruise. Peter made it seem like it was only for this one gig because at the time that’s all Player as an entire band had. We got to know Buster and he seemed like a nice guy who just wanted to be in a band. I think Peter made him think that just to use him for his devious plan to push Ronn out of the band.  What we didn’t know was how underhanded and manipulative Peter was being this whole time. He wanted to ace out Jawn Star who had been with Player for 10 years because he was brought into the band by Ronn and he wanted to bring back Rob Math because he brought him into the band. He also wanted to start recording new Player music with other notable acts playing on the album, but without Ronn. He told Ronn about what he was doing, but never invited Ronn to play and acted like he was going to, but never did. Back in 2015, Eden approached Ronn and JC Crowley to join Peter on a lawsuit against Universal for back royalties as Player. During this lawsuit, they file a frivolous lawsuit against Keith Urban without our knowledge. It was embarrassing because Keith is actually friends with Ronn.  We found out when Peter made a statement that was even more embarrassing saying that Keith was only famous because he was married to Nicole Kidman. JC and Ronn never would have participated in this Universal lawsuit if we knew what we know now. This was a sneaky underhanded move to have us help pay for this lawyer that was going after back royalties for Player.

After the Rock and Romance cruise happened, Player performed at the Conejo Valley Days fair because Buster was in charge of that fair and then the same promoter from the cruise phoned Ronn about Player performing in Huntington Beach last summer, as well as, in Beverly Hills last September. Ronn was already booked for some solo projects in Belgium and told Peter to just do that one as Peter Beckett of Player along with a couple of other gigs that required just the two of them. There has never been many gigs for the entire band and Ronn and Peter only sang about three songs when touring as Player anyway. So it shouldn’t have been a big deal and Peter knew Ronn always had work in various countries in the past, so going away for Ronn wasn’t anything new for Peter. Most of the time in the past, Ronn would find a way to include Peter and bring him along even when he didn’t have to, but he stopped doing this after the Australian tour because there seemed to be jealousy brewing from Peter towards Ronn.  Peter was telling the band members that he owned Player and he wrote the songs and it was his band to the point that the boys were asking me it this was true. I found it odd that he was acting that way given he knew how vast Ronn’s fan base was and how loyal they were to Ronn. Also it was Ronn selling the tickets to this tour and he was who they wanted to see and it was Ronn doing all of the press. I also started to feel a weirdness from Eden and heard from fans that Patti was saying demeaning things about Ronn and me.  My gut instinct or intuition, which I trust wholeheartedly told me something was not right with them. I express this to Ronn and thought it was odd that I always got along with Peter and now he was constantly bitching and yelling to Ronn that I should have nothing to do with Player business. Suddenly, they seemed to be competing instead of collaborating with us online and I knew that meant Patti feeling powerful because she was speaking for Player and Peter.

Gradually, we would catch Patti diminishing Ronn in the Player site bio and changing facts about Player online to favor Peter. I noticed she did a reverbnation and bandsintown page for Player and Peter but not for Ronn. I started to notice how the fans were bombarding Ronn for autographs and selfies as Eden, who was now tour manager, merchandise girl and Peter’s wife collected money from merchandise with Ronn’s photo on them and yet the accounting was always a bit off because there were merchandise with Ronn’s photos on them that were sold like those guitar pics and yet Ronn didn’t get a dime of it. I started to get angry and I knew something was terribly wrong with this picture. At the time, I was fighting an ear infection and on my way to my aunt’s funeral and Ronn and I were always busy with many other things. So as I noticed this and felt strange I told Ronn my feelings and that we needed to make some changes regarding this.

Then as soon as we arrived in Belgium last summer we started having strange emails from Peter to Ronn regarding this so called sub bass player that was going to be used for only one gig since Ronn was away. Patti was posting flyers with this bass player on it as Player and it was confusing fans. I knew nothing of this and told Ronn he needed to discuss this with Peter because fans were confused. Peter assured him it was for one gig and he wasn’t trying to nudge him out of the band or anything, which looking back is very telling. Then his emails got very angry suddenly blaming me yet again for something I had nothing to do with regarding fans fighting online over that sub bass player. I seemed to be blamed for everything and yet I had hardly had anything to do with Player at that time and we were in Belgium.  Ultimatums were given to Ronn if he wanted to stay in the band and he was being treated like a hired musician rather than a partner, which is what he’s been to Peter for years. Ronn kept trying to get Peter to wait until we got home to discuss things face to face and he just seemed like he was looking for any excuse to to blame me and piss off Ronn.

It became obvious something more devious was going on and we noticed Patti was changing things online like the Facebook Player page that was always PlayerBeckettMoss to PeterBeckettPlayer. An online fight between Eden and our fanclub president Angelique occurred when Angelique caught Patti and Eden posting things sayings only Peter was Player and then taking down the posts. Eden threaten her when she posted she didn’t consider this a real Player concert without Ronn and that Ronn’s fans had the right to know he wasn’t there. Eden went on to say that Ronn knew and that and he was a sub bass player for Ronn and that she needed to take down her post or she would sue her. All this crazy drama was being sent to us and Ronn had told Peter this bass player and their postings would confuse fans to begin with and he was not comfortable with them doing this, but Peter said this guy was for only one gig and they couldn’t afford to not take a gig just because Ronn was away, so Ronn had no choice but to allow it. 

After this gig, Peter sent the drama post between Angelique and Eden claiming I was behind this!  Assuming I must be telling fans what to say online like I have time to do this with Ronn’s vast fan base and they shouldn’t post their thoughts on fan pages?? They made such a big deal out of Angelique’s post and then Peter admitted he registered the Player trademark three years ago solely to himself and that he was calling the shots and that Ronn would not be touring anymore. I believe they were deliberately creating issues that were not there to make Ronn quit the band, when that didn’t happen, he was given ultimatums. 

Patti has been constantly changing things online with Player’s wiki page and trying to just push Ronn out like he never existed. So we had no choice but to get an attorney and we have tried to amicably to talk to them face to face, but they refuse.  Peter then changed a gig that was advertised for months with just Ronn and Peter to just himself at the last minute and started telling promoters Ronn was no longer in Player and to book him for half the price. It really was disgusting to see such anger, greed and manipulation done to us after all the work we have put into trying to bring Player back for years, way before Eden was ever involved. Since we owned the domain playertheband.com from years ago, we decided we needed to activate that again because we had to protect Ronn’s  presence from being manipulated by Patti in favor of only Peter and put up a website after seeing her antics regarding Ronn online. This domain along with my playerangels.com  has enraged Peter and Eden who want total control of everything Player with no respect for Ronn and his contributions for years of rehearsals, tours and publicity, simply crazy and unbelievable that someone can be so demeaning and ungrateful, not to mention egotistical.

Suddenly, Player is only about Peter because he co-wrote  and sings lead on “Baby Come Back,  and “Ronn isn’t Player? If you look at Player’s original video for that song with over 48 million views so many comments refer to Ronn and his recognition as Ridge Forrester, which brought attention to Player, now Peter suddenly wants those fans to be gone and disregarded as true Player fans? Player performing on General Hospital was because of Ronn, not Peter and that national exposure helped the band. Ronn touring together with Peter for the past five years has helped bring Player back into the limelight. Peter was not touring as Player by himself and now he’s suddenly Player by himself because he registered the trademark secretly behind Ronn’s back? Why did he keep that a secret? Why are they telling fans Ronn left the band and now claiming we are lying? Why is Patti manipulating Player’s history online in favor of Peter? Why are they deleting fans speaking out? Trademarks are for consumers, the public, which means you the fans who buy the tickets to concerts and albums. Trademarks are not for a person solely to do as they wish with no regard for the buying public.

After so many years together, this has caused great confusion among Ronn’s fans and as always we tell you the truth of what’s happening with us. Sometimes we must endure challenges in life, but the truth always prevails and at the end of the day life goes on with other adventures that lead us to our destiny. Ronn will be just fine with or without Player and is having a blast doing “Ronn Moss and Friends.” It really is sad that a friend would do something like this to someone who has been nothing but giving and good. Since Trademark disputes are on a case by case basis, we must go this route because Ronn should have the right to regroup Player if Peter passed away tomorrow. He played on all these albums, toured and gave tons of publicity to this band and brand that is rightful also his and NOT solely Peter’s. It’s truly egotistical for Peter to believe it’s all about him. As one of Peter’s biggest fans I don’t care anymore to hear his voice and the passion I had for his music isn’t what it once was now. How can he stand to even look at himself in the mirror after a betrayal this low is beyond sad.  So I’m confident that truth, as always will prevail and all the fans that we have brought to Player over the years will stand up and voice their opinion loud and clearly in hopes that Mr. Beckett will start to understand what exactly he’s done and is continuing to do and why it’s not right. Trying to steal something that you know wasn’t created solely by you alone is wrong. Peter had no respect for JC Crowley and didn’t not inform him either of registering this trademark. If you really own something and really believe that why would you keep that a secret from the other founding members of the group? Why would you embark on a lawsuit with those original members and call them Player when you wanted their money and help to fight for your back royalties? But, claim them not to be Player suddenly because you see an interest now in the entire band and don’t want to share a stage anymore with your friend of 40 years, why??


Suddenly, it’s your band instead of our band. Suddenly “Baby Come Back” is your song and Ronn’s bass riff had absolutely nothing to do with it? Personally, the harmonies of that song is what you remember most and what was played in the movie “Transformers” and in the “Swifer” commercial. Player was a group effort torn apart by ego, lies and manipulation for total control because of greed and jealousy. That’s the complete truth and pretty obvious to see.  Patti got extremely competitive with me online and at one point took down my Player Angels website I let her create for you guys to share pics and experiences from Player concerts.  We even made up cool sexy Player t-shirts with Patti’s website on the back to grow the Player Angels.  I tried to make everything a team effort. Eden was one of the first ones I gave a shirt to. Then to find out that Patti tried to steal my Player Angels domain and point it to Peter’s Limey Cowboy site was beyond baffling. When I addressed it and pointed it to Ronn’s site suddenly Eden and Patti hated Player Angels. They really believed they owned my domain because it had the word Player in it that’s how naive Peter was and is about the web. I guess he thinks he owns anything with the name Player in and will attempt to sue anyone using the word Player even in a sentence now. 

Ronn and I fronted the band’s merchandise with those shirts and Peter paid nothing. Ronn and got most of the best gigs Player had gotten and the best publicity for the band, as well as, it’s only proper tour.  Seriously, do you think after all we have done to bring this dead band back that Ronn would just leave? Why was Peter suddenly so angry at Ronn and I over what exactly? We hardly saw them unless there was a gig anyway? And now they want you the fans to believe them and accept Peter only as Player because he wrote and sang their number one hit song and it’s all about him dammit! You crazy Ridge fans don’t care about music only Ronn who contributed nothing and means nothing. In fact, Eden once told a magazine that wrote Ronn was the lead singer of Player in Belgium that Ronn was Peter’s bass player. Actually, Ronn was Peter’s partner for many years over two decades  actually and they got along fine and never had issues before? And Ronn also sang lead on Player songs, as well as, his own solo songs that were from time to time included in former Player sets. They collaborated and didn’t compete and it was magical. What this all boils down to is pure greed, ego and an over inflated sense of entitlement with no respect for all that has been given to him over the years by Ronn.

I think this is very apparent to most people now based on his recent open letter trying to do damage control for lying to fans that he continues to exaggerate and lie. Ronn left Player numerous times? Really? We tried to sabotage their gig? I think the fans spoke out like they are doing in droves now and Eden didn’t like it and accused us of doing it, like I have time to tell each of you what your feelings are and what you should post? These lame excuses are just pitiful and very telling to how many lies they have told not only to you the fans, but to promoters and to colleagues in their devious attempt to steal something that is not theirs solely to begin with. And to say Ronn sang Player songs, he sang one song, “Baby Come Back,” which he has earned the right to sing forever! In fact, Peter does not own any of the publishing to that song, he sold all the rights to Universal music. Here is a copy of the original Trademark for the band as you an clearly see Ronn’s name is listed and Player is not a solo artist. I’m confident truth will prevail over blatant lies here. Player for the past few years has been mostly Ronn and Peter singing about three songs. If he was Player all by himself why was Ronn even there? Why keep the fact that he registered the trademark a secret? And what is this reference to camp DevRonn? All I ever did was promote the hell out of him and Player over the years.  It’s so pathetic this situation I almost feel sorry for him, but I don’t. He deserves exactly what’s coming to him for all the lies and deception to someone who has stood by him through thick and thin and that’s a fact. Ronn couldn’t have been a better friend or bandmate.


Summer is practically here and that usually means lots of fun concerts for Player. The past few summers they have been touring around the United States with the Yacht Rock Revue boys,  Little River Band, Ambrosia, Orleans, Christopher Cross and Firefall just to name a few of those classic smooth rock bands we all know and love so much! However this summer we will be doing Ronn Moss solo concerts in Belgium, so the last Player concert for the summer of 2017 will be at the beautiful Library Theater in Huntington Beach. So if you haven’t seen these badass boys in concert live you are so missing out! This is your last chance in southern California to get to see them up close and personal and meet them after the Player show! I think everyone knows Baby Come Back was a Player original #1 hit that has stood the test of time in numerous commercials, movies and media outlets for the past 40 years now.

Since Ronn left “The Bold and The Beautiful” he has been touring every summer with Peter Beckett all over the USA and they did a full 14 day tour in Australia in 2014, as well as, appearances on “General Hospital” and “Celebrity Wife Swap.” Player also was part of the incredible Rock and Romance 70s Cruise to Cozumel, Mexico recently and joined classic rock legends like, “America” and Peter Frampton. So I think Player will be doing even more touring with more classic rock greats in the future. But, for now there is only one more Player date for this summer and the venue only holds 300 seats, so get your tickets here now!

We are also excited to announce that Ronn has just done a beautiful song with Pope Francis! Yes, you heard right the Pope and Ronn Moss are on a new record together that will be released the first week of June! I guess you can say a trip to Italy is in our near future also. Player recently played at home in Thousand Oaks at the Conejo Valley Days fair, so I’m gonna leave you with some video of what a fun time we had! Please visit Ronn’s website for more details on his future solo performances in Belgium all summer and follow Ronn on Reverbnation to keep up with performances!

This past week has been so beautiful watching the flowers bloom everywhere and enjoying the essence of a real Spring for a change here in southern California. Ronn and I have been very busy with various charity events such as, the Unstoppable gala that he was asked to present at. Unstoppable provides education for children in Africa and has made the difference already is so many children. It was a black tie affair with Ann Archer, Bob Proctor and Dyan Cannon who hosted the gorgeous gala.

Devin and Ronn Moss

Ronn then performed with Peter Beckett at the Canyon Club, as Player, who joined Ambrosia, Stephan Bishop and the one and only Michael McDonald and his wife Amy to benefit a little girl named Darcy who is battling cancer. I think you guys know by now how much we lend our time and efforts to charities that benefit children and animals. The Canyon Club event was a great success and a lot of fun and we were honored to be a part of it.

Player and AmbrosiaAmy & Michael McDonald

Then we got to spend some quality time with Creason and Calee due to their spring break and I managed to do some cooking for them and the band when they came over to rehearse with Ronn for upcoming gigs. The feeling of excitement was in the air all week leading up to the 5 Emmy nominations for our series, “The Bay” which includes “Best Digital Drama Series” and “Best Actor, Kristos Andrews” along with “Best Actresses, Mary Beth Evans, Lilly Melgar and Patsy Pease.”

The Bay Emmy Nominations

The thought of adding two more Emmys to our household is just so surreal! In addition to “The Bay” Emmy nominations, we are in getting ready to shoot more episodes in May and have even more exciting news to share with you guys soon on the amazing progress our Bay family is making! There are many exciting new beginnings for our Bay family and our own family to share with you soon!

Right now we are just excited to be healthy and happy to celebrate this Easter weekend with our wonderful friends, as we look forward to what’s ahead in our future both personally and professionally. Wishing you all a wonderful Passover/Easter weekend!

Ronn and I have been on a winning streak both personally and professionally in this past week. Starting with the Paul Newman event “Winning the race for charity” that we attended with Peter Beckett and Eden Ayers. Peter and Ronn performed at the Roosevelt Hotel along with members of “Little River Band” and “Toto.” Then we took off to Las Vegas with Peter and Eden to attend a private birthday party and got to see Winsor Harmon.


It was a rare weekend for us to reflect and celebrate winning some personal issues that we have been battling for quite some time, as well as, winning that Emmy nomination as producers on our amazing series, “The Bay.” We were in such gratitude and on a natural high just being with friends and enjoying the awesome music Peter and Ronn participated in along with other great artists, such as Jeff “Skunk” Baxter of the “Doobie Brothers” and “Steely Dan.”


When we arrived home it was time to celebrate with parties that were leading up to the Emmys. I was thrilled to see our long time Aussie friend, Fiona Horne and spend some quality time with her, while Ronn went to the festivities for Pop TV and got to see alot of his fellow soap stars. Since “The Bay” was put in the category of “New Approaches” and held with the creative Emmys on Friday, it was not televised. Apparently, Pop TV which is the former TV Guide network only wanted shows that were broadcast on television on the actual Emmys this year. We didn’t think that was fair considering it wasn’t that way last year, but nevertheless, it’s the same Emmy! Turns out “The Bay” beat out shows from Hulu and Youtube  and took home that Emmy!


We couldn’t be more than thrilled for this amazing cast and crew! It is more than well deserved and TV Guide said, “The Bay blurred the lines between prime time and daytime television.” So I predict “The Bay” could find a home soon on primetime television and maybe be the first show to win both a daytime and primetime Emmy in the coming years.

the-bay-series-emmy-celebrations-3659-X2 the-bay-series-emmy-celebrations-3931-X2

Ronn and I chose not to attend the awards and instead see John McCook’s daughter Molly’s show, “Cruel Intentions the Musical.” It was an awesome musical and we got to see Katherine Kelly Lang, John McCook, Scott Clifton and Kim Matula there. By the time we arrived home to the news that we were now Emmy winning producers, it made our evening even more special.


We then attended the Emmy gifting suite and ran into more B&B soap stars we hadn’t seen in quite a while such as, Jacob Young and Ali Mills. Ronn and I will both get our Emmy in the mail soon and look forward to shooting the new season of “The Bay” next month!

close up of Koala

 Australia has had an ongoing love affair with Ronn for decades now. It was seen firsthand during his last two solo tours, but magnified greatly during this last month as Ronn and Player toured around OZ. I saw the constantly quest for photos everywhere we went and from young and old, men and women, seems everyone was thrilled to see Ronn and show their love.

 Devronn on the harbour

That’s what’s so amazing about Australia, the land and people are truly beautiful and it shows in spades. They are polite with a light and happy attitude that says, “No worries mate, everything is alright.” So as we spent our last week enjoying this love affair, we knew we would have to come back to the reality of the fact that it was just a visit. However, the memories will last a lifetime and what memories they have been! Our Aussie love affair is indeed just beginning with new friends that we have made and new adventures we will be having together.

 Rob, sam, Pete

Player has now made a new stamp on the Aussie’s hearts and it was shown in their smiling faces, as they lined up each and every night to greet Ronn and the band for photos. The Aussies have a stamp on our hearts as well. We all enjoyed their hospitality and warmth everywhere we went.

 Rob & Pete in concert 3

We were all spoiled to great seafood like prawns and oysters and fish and chips. Aussies also take their coffee seriously and their cappuccinos were amazing! There are even institutions dedicated to Baristas and coffee. However, these cappuccinos were strong and would have you hopping around like a Kangaroo if you had too many. I could only have one a day. The tour took us through some northern cities like Coffs Harbour and Twin Towns where we saw the most beautiful beaches, however we didn’t have much time to spend on them due to the hectic schedule of the band.


Ronn usually had press days on the days off, but Peter and Eden got to go further north and enjoy parts of Queensland. We did all make it to the Featherdale Park to see the animals together. And Ronn and I had a beautiful private tour of the Sydney Harbour compliments of designer, Cristina Nipoti and Vesna Perry.


Ronn and I had a hair makeover by fame hairstylist, Alan Buki and I was given an awesome flat iron for my hair by EVY personalized with my name on it. Our tour promoters Roy and Enza Ortuso treated us to some fabulous dinners and did everything to make us all feel at home. Player had the most fabulous crew taking care of them backstage with our tour manager Stu Marks, sound engineer Andrew Troy and Sam the man who made sure the guys were always in tune.

Roy & Enza closeup
But it was the devotion from the fans that was indeed beautiful to see at each and every performance. They expressed how much they missed Ronn as Ridge Forrester and let him know how much he meant to them. I saw mothers and daughters, grandmothers and husband and wives tell Ronn how much they loved watching him each and everyday for years.

I think it’s safe to say we will be returning to the land of OZ and I for one hope it’s soon!


As we come into the home stretch of the Aussie Player tour this week, it’s safe to say they have hit a home run with every performance and the fans can’t seem to get enough of them. There have been such a diversity with the audiences that attended the past shows. Women are coming with their moms, grandmothers and husbands to the shows and seem to really enjoy every moment of  not only Player, but Ronn’s playful interaction with them before he brings Player on stage. There has been a lot of laughter, dancing and photos after the shows. Long lines have formed for the purchase of merchandise and photos with Ronn and the band. 

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Jimmy on stage copy

Last night the stage was filled with women from age 20-80 dancing to their encore and it’s amazing to watch how much fun everyone is having on this tour. We have had a hectic week of traveling between Coffs Harbour, Twin Towns and Campbelltown and back to Sydney for much needed rest. Peter was starting to lose his voice the past few days and poor Jimmy had a stomach bug from something he ate, but they pulled off amazing concerts nevertheless. With only three more shows left in this tour, we head to MacKay and Hornsby later this week and then it will be time to say goodbye to one of our most memorable trips.

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 Johnny on stage copy

We have all made some new amazing friends and the tour crew couldn’t have been more wonderful. It has truly been an experience of a lifetime to explore this beautiful country and the people here. So now that OZ has gotten to know Ronn a bit better and has been introduced to Player, it’s probably in the cards that we will someday return to OZ to rock out once again. I know next week is Thanksgiving for our friends back home and want to wish them a happy Turkey day. Speaking of turkey, we saw a few live ones walking around our hotel. We also saw these creatures called, “water dragons” that hang out like pets everywhere.  The boys freaked out over a huge snake crossing the road on our way back from Twin Towns and we learned even though it was huge, it wasn’t dangerous. It seems OZ has a lot of creatures that we just don’t have in America and alot of things that could be deadly. They also have creatures that look deadly, but aren’t. So I guess you just can’t judge a book by it’s cover around these Aussies.

Ronn on stage copy


Player Twin Towns copy


Devin in Coffs Harbour copy

There are pristine gorgeous beaches in northern Australia, but we had no time to spend on them due to soundchecks and three shows in a row. I did manage to visit one in Coffs Harbour briefly for a photo. Today Ronn and I actually saw the pool in our hotel for the first time in three weeks and did absolutely nothing. It was a good day to just rest and chill out after so much traveling the past few days. We were happy to see Player Angel, Eden join us last night and she was able to help me get the fans dancing onstage at the end of the night. I made our sound engineer Andrew an honorary Player Angel because he’s been the one I’ve hung out with the most during the tour and I now call him, “Girlfriend.” I do anticipate a growing number of Player Angels will be forming now and will have those Player T-shirts available on Ronn’s website soon!


Our trip down under has been nothing short of an exciting adventure. Player has been on fire at every concert so far and the fans are showing the love for Ronn and the band after every show. Player and Ronn Moss T-shirts and CDs are selling like crazy and there have been some female fans that have displayed their affection for Ronn with a tattoo of his face on their thigh! And this fan was only 26 years old, which has been surprising. Seems we have been seeing younger fans gracing the shows that have been watching Ronn on B&B most of their lives! We even had a female fan who came all the way from Malaysia for the Melbourne show and told us that Player has many fans there as well.


Our tour manager Stu has been taking really great care of us backstage as you can see on the Livestream I surprised you guys with last week. We have been treated to great food and company by our promoter Enza and Roy Ortuso and each and every Aussie we have met has been so warm and friendly. Ronn’s cousin Joan and her husband David made it to the Melbourne show and it was terrific to see her. I have a few friends of my own that will catch a show while we are here that I haven’t seen in a while also. Ronn’s very own BBQ Sauce is now available for orders on our DevRonn website and it comes in a mild and medium spicy gluten free flavor that you will just love!!

RoNN's BBQ Sauce both*****web - Version 2 

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We had a blast at the Melbourne Cup and now everyone is talking about Ronn’s man bun as they like to call it when he was a guest on Rove’s show, “The Project” yesterday. Magazines “TV Weekly” and “New Idea” have talked about Ronn’s visit and Player appeared on the popular “Morning Show” with their live acoustic version of “Baby Come Back.” It seems the press can’t get enough of them and it has been a bit hectic this past week with the concerts and all the press, so these past couple of days has been nice and relaxing for all of us and much needed.

 Devin Melbourne Cup copy

It’s so nice to really see the beautiful country of OZ up close and personal. We even got to see some Kangaroos in the wild on our drive into Canberra. Next week we will all visit the zoo together and get to see more. Since we have been here it’s been expressed countless times that the fans are not taking to the Nu-Ridge very well and Ronn is and always will be their one and only Ridgerido and that’s never going to change for them. We love the land of OZ and we are looking forward to the rest of the tour and want to visit more often!

It’s nice to be back home after an awesome weekend in Atlanta to see Peter Beckett and Ronn join those smooth rockin guys of Yacht Rock Revue onstage. We were somewhat worried when we woke up last Saturday morning to a gray colored day that dropped endless raindrops on Piedmont Park.  The concert had already presold 2600 tickets and wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to sell anymore given the look of the day.


But Robbie Dupree predicted the sun would shine that afternoon and the show would go, and he must be a psychic because he was absolutely right! They even ended up selling another 500 tickets at the door to a more than eager audience.

The evening had unexpected fireworks that seemed to coincided with the music, and the warm breezy air made everyone feel like they were on another planet where everyone was feeling as one. Love filled the air with a contagious energy of blissfulness, especially when Player sang, “Baby Come Back.” A bra flew up to hit Peter in the face and  I’ve never seen young 20 something year old men and women scream so loud!


I started thinking it must be because of the anticipation of tomorrow’s airing of “Celebrity Wife Swap.” Seems word is getting around that Player will be featured and I know how excited everyone is to see them in their element at home the way I do all the time.

Ronn and I are so excited to have our friends who participated in Celebrity Wife Swap with us over to watch it with us, that we are making a viewing party out of it; and yes I’ll be cooking along with a few guest chefs that will help me out in the kitchen.

I know the show will be quite funny given the things I made Tyler Christopher do during the rule changes. And I know what Brienne Christopher did with my hubby, so the only thing that can spell to me is sheer entertainment. In fact, Ronn tweets to Tyler now, “Go ahead take my wife anytime you want, just make sure I get her back from time to time.”


I’m not sure if Tyler has continued any of my rule changes, but I know I had fun stepping into Brie’s shoes for those few days and I think she had just as much fun stepping into mine. However, I’m not sure how much fun it was for our husbands with what we put them through, but hey that’s marriage right?

One thing’s for certain, Brie got one of my delicious morning ronnuccinos shirtless! I think it made her blush a bit from the previews I’ve seen. Does that make me jealous? Not one bit, because what til you see what I got from her hubby? Thank God Brie had a great sense of humor because I think I would be in big trouble or then again she may be thanking me because of the things I taught him? So all I can say is you better not miss Celebrity Wife Swap Tuesday July 22nd on ABC to find out how it all goes down!


We hope you all are having a fabulous summer so far and that your forth of July was awesome! We spent ours at the Playboy mansion and saw Hef’s amazing display of fireworks, and now it’s back to work with a little bit of summer fun in between gigs. Speaking of gigs PLAYER has a couple of awesome gigs you won’t want to miss! Coming up in Atlanta on July 19th, they will be rockin and rollin with those polyester smooth rock boys of Yacht Rock Revue for their big summer blowout at Piedmont Park. Joining them will be Pablo Cruise, Gary Wright and Robbie Dupree so this will be one concert party I am so looking forward to! PLAYER is also doing a concert in Annapolis, Maryland on August 23rd at the Rams Head and you can get your tickets for that one here.


You may also get to see PLAYER make a cameo on Celebrity Wife Swap which will air Tuesday July 22nd on ABC and this is going to be one fun show! I can’t tell you details, but I think you will laugh alot at all the fun we had! Player will be starting rehearsals soon for their upcoming Australian tour  and I can’t wait for that! Get your tickets  for the Aussie tour now!  As you can see PLAYER is rockin and rollin it, and if you haven’t seen them in concert you are so missing out!

Ronn will be rockin and rollin when he shoots a new music video for his single “Addiction” in the next few days and he’s shooting an exclusive for an Australian magazine tomorrow and will be doing a special “Confessions” segment for “The Bay” also. I can’t wait until John Blackwell shoots the new chapter for “The Bay” because he is one bad dude who kicks ass!

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I’m happy to announce that I’ll be making a rare autograph appearance at the “Glamourcon” Long Beach show August 23 & 24 with artist Jon Hul who is painting a special series on me now.  Artist Jim Ceravolo is also adding Ronn and I to a special series he’s painting, which will include our dogs. I’m hoping to have Romeo immortalized there with us in his gorgeous work. Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog here and websites to win FREE spices and a FREE audio book of “My Husband’s A Dog, My Wife’s A Bitch.” Winners will be announced in August! Hope you all stay cool and keep those comments coming, we love you guys!

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I can’t believe spring is here already, seems this year is flying by so fast! I love spring, seeing all the flowers bloom and preparing for the warmth that summer will bring. It makes me want to entertain and so we are having our first party of spring this Sunday to kick off the new season of “Game of Thrones.” Peter Beckett got us hooked on that series and I promised I’d kick it off with a nice shindig of a party.

So I’m cooking some Cajun grub and having a few friends over who are also die hard “Game of Throne” fanatics to drink some ale and see who gets the ax in the first episode. We are also springing forward with so many new and exciting projects. Seems many countries are missing seeing Ronn on their TV sets since he’s no longer Ridge Forrester and we are formulating new and interesting things on a daily basis with many different countries.


Player is excited to do a tour in Australia this November and 13 shows are now locked down with more being added that could take us into New Zealand for December. There will also be new Player merchandise available especially for this “Too Many Reasons” tour and I couldn’t be more excited, so Player Angels get ready to rock!  I visited Melbourne back in 2005 when Ronn did the berry juice commercial, so this will be a such a treat for me to explore OZ and really spend some quality time there. The new “Man On Fire” music video with previews from the upcoming 411movie will be released soon so you can get more excited about the upcoming tour!

There is also a movie in the works with Italy’s best comedy writers who is tailoring a script especially for Ronn. I can’t tell you details on that yet, but it’s going to be quite comical and I will also be in it. We have a TV show in the works for Finland and South Africa and there is a possibility of a campaign in the Netherlands. However it’s all being formulated so I can’t give you dates of when we will be in those places just yet.


Player is also making an appearance on a popular TV show next week and I can’t tell you what show just yet, but I know you will be excited and will give you details as soon as I’m allowed. They are also looking forward to singing, “Tracks of My Tears” to honor the one and only Smokey Robinson at the House of Blues April 26. This will be a killer show that will include, Taylor Dane and Chaka Khan among others that will make this an exciting televised event to benefit the “Thalians.

My Husband's A Dog, My Wife's A Bitch

Ronn is joining the cast of the Emmy nominated webseries, “The Bay” next week when they introduce a new character to the drama. We are also putting the finishing touches on our audio book, “My Husband’s A Dog, My Wife’s A Bitch” and I’m so pleased you are laughing and enjoying the printed version and Ebook. We are planning to release a book of Ronn’s photography in the future and I’ve been encouraging him to continue writing his autobiography. Ronn has led an amazing life growing up in Hollywood and has some incredible stories to tell from his life so this is a must. But as you know, he’s rather slow and moves at his own pace, so that won’t be for a while. In the meantime, as we spring forward into these upcoming exciting projects taking us on a new adventure, that maybe we will be visiting you real soon!

Last night we had the honor of participating in a wonderful charity called, “Songs of Love.” It was their first west coast gala and “Songs of Love” is a special cause because they create tailor made songs for children with terminally ill diseases. Everyone one there was touched by the effort that is put into each song created for a child and we all got to participate in recording one ourselves for a child named, Logan.

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Amazing musical performances by Frank Stallone, JC Love & Player, Amanda Steinberg, Blu Cantrall and Alana and Those Fine Gentlemen made the evening extra special. Player now wants to donate “No More Rain” as the theme song to this charity and shoot a music video with many of these special children in it.

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My pals, Brad & Tina Hillstrom, Keiko Noah and Peggy & Micah Tanous were there to lend their love and support. We all had a wonderful time and intend to do more to help creator John Beltzer continue his lovely mission. “Songs of Love” have now written over 24,000 songs for terminally ill children and these songs are given to the child as a double dose of medicine. They were featured on 60 Minutes and formed in New York almost 18 years ago by John Beltzer.

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Writer, producer, director, Nick Vallelonga was the master of ceremonies and put this first west coast gala together and we thank him for his wonderful efforts and including us in such a worthy cause. Although we have participated in several worthwhile charities, we think “Songs of Love” is a perfect fit for Player and look forward to helping to write more songs for these children.


It was only Ronn’s second cruise, my third and the Norwegian Freestyle cruise was terrific with mostly smooth sailing and smooth rock n roll the whole way. We did get some choppy waves the first day and it put a damper, pardon the pun, on our beach concert, which was moved back to the boat. That was a bummer because we all were looking forward to partying all day with Player, Robbie Dupree and the Yacht Rock Revue boys on the Stirrup Cay Island.



Player Angels, Eden, Sue, Robin, Joanie, Michelle and Playmate Jacqueline Sheen were there with their captain’s hats to rock it out and the cruise was filled with fans from all over the world including, Barbados and Croatia. It was funny to see people recognizing Ronn constantly and unsure if it was indeed him. Fans told us constantly how much they missed him and how they have stopped watching the show now. We heard this even from our flight attendant on the way back home.


The Yacht Rock Revue boys threw a cool party to celebrate Ronn’s birthday at the Asian restaurant where the chef’s put on quite a show tossing their knives around on Saturday, and then we all headed over to  the Bliss Lounge, where everyone had on headphones and was rocking out to different music, but all you saw were people dancing in silence. We thought the cake was funny cuz it said, “Happy Birthday Ridge” on it.



Player and the Player Angels announced the winner of the Player contest and a big congrats went out to Liz Ryan from Texas who won a beautiful baby blue electric guitar signed by Peter and Ronn, along with a Player necklace, T-shirt, CD and photo. We spent our days drinking Bahama Mamas and rockin out to American Idol winner, Kris Allen, Shadow Box and our boys until the wee hours of the morning everyday.


By the time we reached the Bahamas all Ronn wanted to do was sleep late, so we never got off the boat because he didn’t want to do anything except relax. I did manage to have a mini afternoon at the spa and got in a massage and facial and it was so nice to hang with our friends from Indiana, Doug and Kathleen Gilmore. We enjoyed Cagney’s Steakhouse with great bottles of wine together there.


All in all the cruise experience was perfect because it wasn’t too long and the food was great overall. Kid Rock was the next one up on that cruise ship and Sixthman who puts on these rock cruises are interested in having Player join in on some future European cruising. So it’s safe to say this won’t be our last cruise and much more fun to come for all.


Last night Ronn and I attended the annual Thalians Christmas party held at the Bel Air Country club.  It was our second appearance and a special evening for “Player” who performed a few songs to kick off what is coming in 2014.  Hosted by Ruta Lee and Kira Lorsch, the Thalians has been honoring all of Hollywood for 60 years now. They raised over 1 million dollars for their event at the Playboy mansion that honored Hugh Hefner and will now honor the one and only Smokey Robinson at the “House of Blues” on April 26th. Player is proud to be a part of the headlining acts that will pay tribute to Smokey’s legendary songs.

bob & Kira

Dev & Kira

The Thalians has been giving proceeds to help the mental health of our troops and is committed to this cause that enables our troops to heal in both mind and body. They have honored stars like Clint Eastwood, Sammy Davis Jr and Lana Turner in the past 60 years and are now looking to honor young Hollywood in the future. This prestigious and generous charity is what makes Hollywood the unique and powerful club that they are and we are proud to be a part of them.




I was happy to see my dear friend, Mary Ann Mobley there last night, along with Cheech Marin and Kerry Gordy who will also be celebrating with us on April 26, 2014 as Player headlines in honor of Smokey Robinson at the House of Blues. I can’t wait for that evening will be one night to remember and it just may be televised!

Mary Ann Mobley

For more information on the Thalians check out their website http://www.thethalians.org/

When the “Sail Rock” tour began, Peter and Ronn had reservations about how it would turn out. It had been a while since Ronn was on tour, but Peter knew most of the boys that were touring in this lineup. What no one expected was for this tour to be such a bonding of genuine admiration and friendship between all of them.


Since I saw the concert several times, it’s safe to say I can properly critique it. Personally, I thought it was fantastic each and every time and I’m not just saying that because I’m partial to Player. All of these guys were simply fantastic musicians and filled every venue with crowds of people who I know would agree with me. The audiences participated with singing along, clapping and dancing to their favorite songs that I’m sure brought back fond old memories.

As the tour progressed, the boys had John Ford Coley open the show. John is a natural at this and his sense of humor is timeless. I have come to adore him and his jokes. I’m reading his book, “Backstage Pass” now and he writes just as he speaks. I highly recommend it. Jock who is one of the original members of “Firefall” is an amazing artist and I was very impressed with his work. The boys from “Orleans” include former NY senator, John Hall along with Lance, Lane and Fly who kept us all laughing with his jokes.


Christopher Cross was quiet at first, but once you get him talking that boy is just a good ole Texan with a great sense of humor too. Then there’s Gary Wright and Robbie Dupree who is just one of a kind and keeps you in stitches constantly. I’ve never seen Peter and Ronn laugh so much and have so much fun as they did on this tour. They have made some friends for life and as the “Sail Rock” tour slowly comes to an end I know it’s indeed a new beginning for all of them. 


There  are other tours in the works for next year and Player will sail on to some exotic local. Apparently, lots of locations and other countries are now getting interested in Player. And Peter and Ronn look forward to more adventures touring and will sail on into the sunset with some fun in the sun.

Christopher Cross & Ronn

I think the future looks very bright for all these guys because this music is timeless and classic and will never go out of style. You may not recognize the musicians instantly, but you certainly recognize the music. I think anyone that went to the “Sail Rock” concert will agree it was one of the best shows this summer!

This past weekend to Paso Robles was a first for both Ronn and I. We were there for Player’s concert lineup on the Sail Rock tour along with Firefall, Orleans, Al Stewart and Christopher Cross. So Peter and Eden thought we should naturally go up a day early and do some wine tasting. The drive was a pleasant one and the weather couldn’t have been more beautiful. There are so many great wines from the Paso Robles region and for years our neighbors who own the wine, “Opolo” has invited us to their annual wine festival of grape stomping, music and BBQ feasting galore. But, somehow between Ronn’s schedule of work and travel, we have never been able to make it to the winery until this past weekend.


We happen to also know the Hunt family which also produce a terrific wine from Paso Robles and stopped off at their vineyard for a tasting, along with the Ancient Peak, Cass and Tobin James wineries. Needless to say we had great time and I can attest to the fact that the wines of this region are amazing.


The concert drew a terrific crowd that enjoyed the fair and the moonlit breeziness of the night since the concert was set outdoors. My girlfriend Sue and her friend Brenda had a great time and joined us backstage afterwards where we were hanging out with Al Stewart and his girlfriend Jill. As we were saying goodbye, Jill miss her step into the van and fell backwards in a hard fall that ended up breaking her finger! It was a quite a hard fall and a terrible freakish accident. We all felt terrible watching her finger swell as the ambulance came to take her to the hospital. She was remarkably calm and all she and Al could talk about was having us all get together for a dinner party at their place once the tour was over.

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Such a lovely couple that we are sending love and light to right now for Jill to have a speedy recovery. I don’t think any of us will forget our past weekend in Paso Robles for many reasons. Great wine, friends old and new, music and serene scenery made it memorable enough to say, we will be back!


Mondays will always have a specialness to it now because I’ll never forget how we rocked out on a Monday with Player at the Canyon Club. The event was a great success to say the least. We filled the house and rocked it big time! Shelter Hope Pet Shop was amazing and I want to thank all the volunteers who put in all their time an effort on the decorations, gift bags and red carpet. Kim Sill, founder of Shelter Hope Pet Shop went overboard on an amazing cake that was too delicious and a great time was had by all.



We had REO Speedwagon in the house along, with artist Olivia, Michael Moebius, Katherine Kelly Lang, Winsor Harmon, Allie Mills, Orsen Bean, Adam Gregory, Linda Thompson, Sheree J. Wilson, Renee Tenison, Sean Kanan & Bud Cort all getting down on the dance floor to the music of Player. The band was amazing and the evening couldn’t have turned out better. We raised over $5000 for Shelter Hope Pet Shop and more donations are coming in everyday on behalf of my 50th birthday, so thank you all so much! We can save quite a few animals with this money. Fans flew in from all over the country to see the band and I had my best buddies and most awesome Player Angels on hand to help me as my ladies in waiting. I say that because all my girlfriends spent the weekend with me and they were all waiting on me hand and foot. So they bought me a tiara and made me Queen and they were Princesses. We all decided to wear our Player tank tops and I wore my tiara all night long being the Queen was fun!


My only regret is that some people brought me gifts even though I said, “NO GIFTS!” As a result I put them in my gift bag and at the end of the evening that bag was gone and so were my gifts and my tiara! So the quest to find my tiara and gifts is ongoing here. Anyone who has it and won’t give it back will be beheaded!! Thank you Kira Reed Lorsch for being the best MC ever!



It’s time to show the world how much you love PLAYER and their music by joining the PLAYER ANGELS CLUB! I thought it would be fun to have all the ladies that love Ronn and PLAYER join the exclusive PLAYER ANGELS CLUB by sending us a photo with your name, age, where you are from and occupation and we will post you on the new PLAYER ANGELS website. As the club grows we can share photos and videos from future PLAYER concerts around the world. There is the signature sexy PLAYER tank top for all you ladies to grab and wear to those upcoming concerts and as a PLAYER ANGEL once you join, you will get 10% off of any PLAYER merchandise listed on the PLAYER ANGELS website! Go to the  Player Angels Website it’s FREE to join the club now!


Everyone knows the song “Baby Come Back” and now it’s time to get to know the band PLAYER. With their new CD, “Too Many Reasons” upcoming release worldwide, I think you will really get to know the band and come to love them as much as I do. They really are an awesome group of musicians and to see them live is something special because they sound just like their CD.  This new PLAYER CD has great rock n roll singles, as well as ballads and I’m sure you will agree that every song is one you will want to listen to over and over again. 

Ronn and Peter

So as a celebration of PLAYER the band we are giving away an autographed CD to one of our blog subscribers. Just write in a short paragraph on what you love most about PLAYER, a song that touched you, a special moment in time or a concert you’ve seen? Send your paragraphs to [email protected] and be sure and subscribe to this blog. Only blog subscribers will be eligible to win. The CD will be released on Feb 26, 2012 and we will post the winner and their paragraph here on our blog. 


I will keep you posted on the launch of the PLAYER ANGELS website in which you girls may join us around the world as a PLAYER ANGEL by sending in your photo and brief summary of where you are from and who you are. Our PLAYER ANGELS will have a chance to win a PLAYER tank top and join our exclusive club to meet the band when they start touring. So spread the word and join the club!

Player Angels
Player Angels

Player had a good time playing at the first annual Canada Fest in Palm Springs. There were alot of food and clothing vendors, as well as a fashion show that I participated in, along with my pals Robin Krasny and Eden Ayers. Player’s very own webmistress Patti Meyers came all the way from New Jersey to party with us. Before  their concert,  A funny thing happen to Ronn after I left him alone in the hotel room before I went to get ready for the fashion show. Apparently, Ronn was putting the room service trays outside our door and locked himself out in his underwear! He said he luckily found a bellman that helped him back inside the room and the guy  was trying not to laugh. Can you imagine if he had been naked?

Given that Player is getting more and more in demand for gigs all over the place I came up with a cool idea of starting a fan club for them and along with Eden, Patti and Robin we will launch, “The Player Angels.” You can join us and have your photo featured on the Player website. Details are coming soon, but your membership gets you a sexy Player T-shirt like ours, a Free photo of the band and 10% off future merchandise, as well as, chances to win prizes and back stage passes. As a member you will know FIRST when and where they are playing next! So join us for the next concert, maybe in your city and be a “PLAYER ANGEL!”

Ronn & Peter Beckett

“Baby Come Back” has stood the test of time for over 35 years in commercials, movies and TV shows as one of the most recognized songs from the 70’s. It knocked “How Deep Is Your Love” by the Bee Gees  out of number one and remains a classic rock song that most people on the planet know. Written by Peter Beckett and JC Crowley, “Baby Come Back” has a new version on the new PLAYER CD that will be released in February.

Spacemonk aka Johnny English

But for now you can get the new version of “Baby Come Back” along with “Addiction” and “Too Many Reasons” now on itunes. I personally love “Too Many Reasons” which will be the title of the CD and is perfect title to Ronn’s departure from B&B. Many people do not know how talented PLAYER is and what a great songwriter Peter Beckett has always been, but I’m sure this CD will speak volumes about that.

Craig Pilo

Every song is amazing and the three songs that are out now are only a sample of the entire album. So it was only fitting that PLAYER did a music video for the single, “I Will” that will be released in February. It was directed by Devin DeHaven, funny huh? Devin is a Greek hottie who has quite a reputation as a a music director of videos and documentaries. He just did one for Crosby Stills and Nash, so the boys were in good hands. Devin’s wife Anabel did makeup and was so beautiful and sweet that I hope to have her do a shoot for me in the future.

Rob Math

It was a fun and enjoyable day for the band. I always adore seeing Spacemonk(Johnny English) Craig Pilo and Rob Math and the synergy they create together with Peter and Ronn.

Peter & Ronn

A tour is being formulated and more press is coming on the new CD that I’m sure you guys will absolutely love as much as I do. Too bad we all have to wait for the release, but the record company needs time to put their video and press kit together for the worldwide release and tour that is being formulated. In the meantime, Ronn is sifting through numerous offers around the world for movies and TV, so you will be seeing him on your screens in numerous ways soon!

We are proud of this month’s Ronn’s Garage “Summer Special” that is like 3 shows in one. Since we were in Italy for B&B’s remote shoot and PLAYER’s publicity tour, Ronn decided that he would document the trip. There was a small jam party at our house before we left for Italy, so Ronn included that in the special also and it is the 1st segment. The 2nd segment is the behind the scenes of the B&B shoot and the upcoming 3rd segment is our spontaneous vow renewal in romantic Puglia. We are very happy to see that so many of you are enjoying Ronn’s Garage and stats are showing that it is a huge hit. We welcome your comments and suggestions on making it better with each and every show. Ronn is truly enjoying producing and editing each new show and wants to know what you think. His goal is make the interviews moving and personal, the music fun and to make you feel like you are there with us when we travel. The next upcoming Ronn’s Garage guests will include, Katherine Kelly Lang, Australian artist Brett Livingston Strong and “Quiet Riot” drummer Frankie Banali. So please check out Ronn’s Garage and spread the word that more is coming!

Now that Summer is here we are celebrating outdoors with friends and you know what that means? Lots of“Devin’s Kickass Cajun Seasoning” to share at your BBQs. Speaking of BBQs, we have a few that are coming up with friends this weekend to celebrate Ronn getting his purple belt in karate and my now belated birthday. Since I wanted a quiet birthday this year, Ronn and I spent it alone in Lake Arrowhead being creative. I started working on a new novel and he worked on the upcoming Ronn’s Garage that I know you guys will absolutely love. It features a part of the jam party we had with friends like Joel Berliner, Peter Beckett and Player, along with surprise guest Ray Parker Jr on drums. I think it shows how much fun Ronn and the boys have in the garage. Then of course we have behind the scenes of the Puglia B&B shoot and peaks of the the press that Ronn and Peter did in Italy. We end this month’s Ronn’s Garage with our personal surprise, our wedding vow renewal in Puglia.

Robin Krasny & Lavinia Biagiotti

It was so romantic at the Borgo Egnazia Villa and I had teased Ronn about how many times he’s been married to Brooke so much that he and I spontaneously decided to renew our vows there. Since we had some of our Italian family visiting the B&B set like German artist, Michael Mobius and fashion designer, Lavinia Biagiotti we thought it would be perfect to have them celebrate with us. Our dear friend Robin Krasny, of Robin and Eddy officiated our ceremony and sang as I walked down a gorgeous staircase for our sunset vows. The owner of the beautiful “Borgo Egnazia” resort and spa provided us with a harpist and his mother made our wedding cake! My wedding dress was a gift from Laura Biagiotti who provided all of our wardrobe. It was an absolute dream and I didn’t plan any of it, which if you know me, know is very weird for me. The flowers were also a gift from Aldo and Camilla who own the Borgo Egnazia and Ronn’s Italian manager, Gianluca was in attendance, helped arrange an amazing dinner for us. Ronn and I have always wanted a wedding in Italy, so this couldn’t have been more romantic or special and to have it be so spontaneous was wonderful for me to experience. Now we have the 4th of July bash at the Playboy mansion coming up and then Ronn will be on vacation from B&B until August. We have been asked to be guests on Marie Osmond’s new talk show next month and have some other exciting projects in the works to share with you later as they develop. We think it’s going to a be a fabulous summer and we plan on having fun. So have a safe and happy 4th to you all and we hope you’re having a great summer too!

PLAYER is releasing a new album in Italy and doing press to promote it for a possible European tour. So Peter Beckett is coming to Italy with us tomorrow for some live TV appearances in Milan and Rome. The new album is entitled, “Addiction” and is on the prestigious Frontier’s label. We are very excited about the new released and I’m so happy they used the photo that I took of them! Looking forward to all the exciting things that are happening for PLAYER in the coming year. I know how many fans want to see them play in Europe and now that’s looking like a possibility.  Check out the press release here. Player PR

When it comes to birthdays, Ronn is not traditional at all. He doesn’t like the fuss and really doesn’t like birthday cake. It’s hard to surprise him because he hates surprises and wants to know what’s going on. This was a big birthday and I wanted to have something extra special for him, but due to his crazy work schedule and the fact that it was also a big birthday for Creason the week before, we just decided to combine them with a low key BBQ and few neighbors and friends. This is just so Ronn and I just gave him exactly what he wanted this year. Our neighbor Sue made a delicious carrot cake, which is the only cake that Ronn likes and our neighbor Bill was awesome on the Grill with his beer can chicken. I cooked up some red beans and rice in honor of Mardi Gras along with some various appetizers. It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day out by the pool and later Peter Beckett and Ronn did some acoustic music in the garage with “Quiet Riot” drummer Frankie Banali joining in. Our dear friend Julian Jackson filmed the whole party and we will have a edit of it to post soon. This really cheered Ronn up from the saddness of so many amazing talents that have passed away recently. Davy Jones, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson, to name a few have passed way to early for us. It has brought new meaning to every birthday for Ronn. Even though he is in amazing shape and very healthy, he realizes each birthday is another gift and another reason to celebrate still being here. His mom died at age 63 when he was just 18. So for Creason to turn 18 and he 60, hit an emotional milestone for him and the importance for close friends and family around him is all he wanted this birthday. Because Ronn is such a popular guy we cannot simply have one birthday party. We must celebrate all month long with various friends to really let him feel close to those he love and adore. So this is just the first for a few more birthday celebrations. Our friend and Australian artist Brett Livingston Strong who painted Michael Jackson gave Ronn a very special painting of a Geisha girl that Michael Jackson drew. Only two exist and they belong now to Ronn and Michael’s mother Katherine. Today Ronn went to a celebrity party at “The House of Blues” in Hollywood for a live Facebook streaming concert of the “Blues Brothers” celebrating 30 years since John Belushi’s death. I watched the stream from our bedroom in my PJs and really enjoyed it. Ronn hung out with Dan Ackroyd, Jim Belushi, Director John Landis and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. He’s now very excited at the possibility of PLAYER doing a concert like this in the near future. I know for his many International fans that this will be a big treat. Who knows maybe you can join his birthday festivities live with us as we continue to celebrate throughout this month!  So I want to personally  thank you very much for all your gifts and birthday blessings for our extraordinary Ronn that we all adore so much. I know we would all love to have him around another 60 years!


Since we returned from PLAYER performing in Vero Beach it’s been non-stop for Ronn on B&B and me so I haven’t had time to blog until now. We had so much fun and want to thank our dear friend Robin Krasny for taking such good care of us with healthy food, wine and video taping the band. Ronn will be editing that footage soon to post something for you guys to see. I also want to thank my amazing friend Laura Poe for the wonderful pics she took onstage. It was nice to see some of my dearest friends like JoNell Gay and her daughter Isabelle who was born on my birthday. It had been years since I’d seen them, so it was very special for me.

Rob Math, Peter Beckett, Ronn Moss

The show was fantastic and we hope to have many more PLAYER concerts coming up! Our anniversary was certainly a memorable one. Thanks to Robin we stayed at the beautiful Vero Beach Hotel and Spa overlooking the beach.

Ronn, me, Peter and Eden

We hung out with Peter Beckett and Eden Ayers and had a fun time until I slipped and fell and hit my chin in the pool, ouch! I was bruised and sore for a few days and jaw hurt badly. Luckily I’m feeling better now, but I couldn’t chew on one side  of my mouth for a few days. The other day Ronn and I attended  a fundraiser for the Humane Society. An invite from our friends Bob and Kira Lorsch.  Many thanks to Ms. Lois Pope who gave 1 million dollars to such a worthy cause.

Lois Pope, her son, Ronn and me and Kira Lorsch

Remember I did a bunny PSA for them. I  was happy to hear that many bunnies have gotten adopted since.  Yesterday I did my first personal appearance in 5 years and saw some wonderful Playmates there, such as Cathy St. George, Corinna Harney, Ava Fabian and Teri Harrison.  It was so nice to see many of you again after so many years and I do hope to do more in future if my schedule permits. Ronn was so sweet to help me set up my booth and lug all my merchandise, as well as, take photos with me and some of you guys. I’m now resting today and catching up on various writing projects. Looking forward to fall and cooler weather so that I can cook some of my soup recipes! check out this PLAYER video. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/user/devronnfilms?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/uLx0Ub9FfAI]

PLAYER is performing with Bad Company and other groups in Vero Beach, Florida on Saturday September 24th and we are so excited. Our 2nd year wedding anniversary is September 25th so we are staying to celebrate it there. Some of my Louisiana girlfriends will be at the concert so I’m super excited to party with them. If you are around the area and want to see PLAYER this is your chance for a super fun weekend of great music! Ronn is looking forward to meeting many of you there and so am I so I hope if you are around you will come by and see us!

Rob Math, Ronn Moss, Peter Beckett and Johnny English of PLAYER

We kicked off daylight’s savings time in Palm Springs with PLAYER performing for a private affair at the PGA West Golf’s 25 anniversary party. The boys were awesome and Johnny English sported a new look! Johnny is always changing his looks and it’s like he’s a different person every gig. We all love Johnny! Peter Beckett and Rob Math were amazing on the guitar and drummer Michael Taylor had a groovy beat that kept everyone dancing all night long. Hubby of course had a blast and I got a little drunk, which isn’t like me. We drove down with our pals Wally and Lori Crowder and started drinking at lunch with cocktails upon arrival, wine at dinner and martini’s at party! I have always been a lightweight with liquor so by the end of the evening was toast! The boys are getting offers for other gigs and we are trying to juggle them with Ronn’s busy schedule as usual. So I will keep you posted on when and where you can see PLAYER next! Don’t forget to subscribe and comment on our Devronnfilms youtube channel to win a FREE PLAYER T-shirt! We will be giving that away to celebrate Spring at the end of this month! Devronnfilms youtube channel