Our trip down under has been nothing short of an exciting adventure. Player has been on fire at every concert so far and the fans are showing the love for Ronn and the band after every show. Player and Ronn Moss T-shirts and CDs are selling like crazy and there have been some female fans that have displayed their affection for Ronn with a tattoo of his face on their thigh! And this fan was only 26 years old, which has been surprising. Seems we have been seeing younger fans gracing the shows that have been watching Ronn on B&B most of their lives! We even had a female fan who came all the way from Malaysia for the Melbourne show and told us that Player has many fans there as well.
Our tour manager Stu has been taking really great care of us backstage as you can see on the Livestream I surprised you guys with last week. We have been treated to great food and company by our promoter Enza and Roy Ortuso and each and every Aussie we have met has been so warm and friendly. Ronn’s cousin Joan and her husband David made it to the Melbourne show and it was terrific to see her. I have a few friends of my own that will catch a show while we are here that I haven’t seen in a while also. Ronn’s very own BBQ Sauce is now available for orders on our DevRonn website and it comes in a mild and medium spicy gluten free flavor that you will just love!!
We had a blast at the Melbourne Cup and now everyone is talking about Ronn’s man bun as they like to call it when he was a guest on Rove’s show, “The Project” yesterday. Magazines “TV Weekly” and “New Idea” have talked about Ronn’s visit and Player appeared on the popular “Morning Show” with their live acoustic version of “Baby Come Back.” It seems the press can’t get enough of them and it has been a bit hectic this past week with the concerts and all the press, so these past couple of days has been nice and relaxing for all of us and much needed.
It’s so nice to really see the beautiful country of OZ up close and personal. We even got to see some Kangaroos in the wild on our drive into Canberra. Next week we will all visit the zoo together and get to see more. Since we have been here it’s been expressed countless times that the fans are not taking to the Nu-Ridge very well and Ronn is and always will be their one and only Ridgerido and that’s never going to change for them. We love the land of OZ and we are looking forward to the rest of the tour and want to visit more often!
So glad you are enjoying your trip down under, looking forward to tomorrow night!
So happy that you all are having such a great time down thier . The Aussie’s have it wright as all of America and Italy all feel the same way Ronn is the only Ridge we will ever except . I am glad that the sauce is up and available it will go with my seasoning of yours Devin. Love it i put it in most every thing and even sprinkel some in my salads too. It is healthy natural and i have been know to add it too my vegitable drinks when i use the Ninja and put whole just washed vegies in it and sprinkel in some seasoning just a little extra kick lol. I love it on my basil pesto shrip scampi with fetachini noodels. Well wont boar you with my cooking . But im loving the pics . And i did try to communicate when you were live but my key board died and i could not log in but i did get too watch you run all over and i laughed right along with you as it seemed you and the guys were having a great time. I am sure by the looks of it you very much enjoyed the oysters lol. hea girls gotta eat when she can . Love all of you lots. Tell Ronn I liked his interview on the morning show. i have the computer software that allows me too veiw foriengn country tv on my computer live when they air and he was funny and real and i enjoyed it. And yep some times i just have to say a swear word from time too time . It just makes me feel good . My kids laugh when i do as they are surprised as it is not my custome too . But when i do i do. Well much love will comment on the next blog post love allways your fan and friend Elizabeth. H. From WA state USA..
So Happy that you and Player have had a Great Time here in OZ..It was lovely talking to you on Player backstage..and the odd word from the boys
Keep up the Red wine Ronn LOL…Next time if there is going to be one I shall make the effort to go to Melbourne unless you do come to the Vales in SA..plenty of Red wine here Ronn….
Love the fact that Player, Ronn and yourself made the effort to come all the way down under. The guys were brilliant and it was a dream come true for me to meet Ronn and Peter. I am so glad that you’re enjoying this beautiful land and it’s people. I am putting it out there that all of you are now honorary Aussies. Feel free to stay and keep on playing and acting. Love Belinda @Bewitched247
Hi Ronn & Devin. Thanks for uploading about yr tour in OZ. Am happy that u have Great time. Hope ull come to Europe – Holland next year so Ill have chance to meet u. Loveu (((bighug)))
Your trip sounds excting for sure. So happy that Ronn gets this opportunity to tour with Player and live out his passion for music.But Ridge is my first love. and I will miss Ronn in that role forever.
Continue to enjoy yourselves & come back safe to us in America
Just love Ronn interview the Project, he is witty and fun!!! Love him!!!
Rock And Roll Upside Down Under …. Enjoy!